The Sunshine Coast Regional Council are about to place a levy on all Council caravan parks on travelers with dogs ! $5.00 per day per dog, just another levy for absolutely nothing, Mudjimba park is one of a few, personally it will not affect me as I live only 2 K's from Mudjimba but i feel for the many many people [not only Nomads] having yet another levy from this Council !!
What's next ? will other Councils follow suit ? will they think of a levy if we bring our Grandkids ? or maybe put up our awnings ? god forbid even if we actually take more than 10 breaths of air while we stay at their parks, flippant i know, but hells bells were and when will it stop with Councils grabbing every single dollar from us.
Maroochydore you should be ashamed of yourselves !! greedy greedy greedy
Hi Dave and Marilyn. You are right Councils will find ways to get everything they can from people when it comes to the dollar., and it has always been that way, so I was not surprised when my friend who has two dogs was boiling mad with her council. She always pays the registration fee for them both. It then became law to have dogs microchipped, she then paid that fee. On that microchip she says is all the relevent information regarding the dog and where it resides etc., she is not happy that the council has not done away with the registration fees of the dogs as the microchip covers it all. Greedy greedy greedy as you say, nothing like double dipping...I don't have any dogs, but feel people that do should do something about those fees, it seems like it should be one or the other. I'm just wondering if charging two fees may be required to support Ranger services, when I put that to my friend she said there is sufficient funds for the ranger in the fees that are charged already..... Kisha
The Sunshine Coast Council is shocking - they own the majority of caravan parks on the Sunshine Coast and rates are exorbitant, especially during peak times - problem is people want to go there, so they pay whatever is asked. It doesn't surprise at all that they are looking for even more revenue and so are now picking on dog lovers! We used to have a great council in Caloundra which was very responsive to people's needs but Peter Beattie stuffed that up by creating the bureaucratic monster that is the SCRC. Small is beautiful but sadly those days are gone and the Sunshine Coast is now too crowded with everything that made it so good being destroyed by out of control development. As the Eagles sang, you call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye!
And it'll be goodbye from us! It's just the local traders that suffer as people stay away, thanks to their council. Yet to find a council anywhere that has a real understanding of the real world, they're all tarred with the same brush.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Agree with you all 100% but hey, they have to pay for their food fit for a king at council meetings and staff meetings not to forget during training sessions. Oh! not to mention re-structures of the admin staff and there is heaps of that. Bugga the residents and tourists bringing $$$$ into the area. Gee, us humans can spend a penny to go to the toot but our dogs, well us for them, have to spend $5.
What a rip off!
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I know it's good to vent about things such as this but complaining on here will do no good whatsoever. Instead why not dig up a few e-mail addresses of councillors and write to let them know how you feel and that you will be removing your cash from their shire. You may also send a copy to the local Chamber of Trade?
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
I mistakenly thought that all you people "living the dream" as you so often say would be happy people, but all I read & hear is comments like - greedy Councils, fees to high, not enough free camps, National Park restrictions, fuel rip offs, caravan park rip offs, RV unfriendly towns and on & on it goes. Lighten up, & start "living your dream" or be like Jarryd Hayne & change your dreams.
I know it's good to vent about things such as this but complaining on here will do no good whatsoever. Instead why not dig up a few e-mail addresses of councillors and write to let them know how you feel and that you will be removing your cash from their shire. You may also send a copy to the local Chamber of Trade?
Mike, Why do you assume we don't? I've always believed in letting the decision makers know!
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Anybody who thinks that caravan parks don't have any costs associated with taking dogs is dreaming in my opinion. We regularly see dog poop on the ground in caravan parks that allow dogs, and somebody obviously has to go around and clean it up. If they had just increased costs for everybody and never mentioned dogs there wouldn't be half this uproar, or they could have just banned dogs like many parks. If you don't want to go there and pay it of course thats your choice, in the same way as its your choice not to go to any park if you think their price isn't value for money for you. I doubt very much that this charge will make any difference at all to their occupancy rate in a very popular area.
I for one will be writing to the Council. If such a fee is introduced then I would expect an off-leash playground for my small dog, just as there are playgrounds for children. The reality is we can stay with family and friends on the Sunshine Coast.
I don't mind a dollar or two (and have done at Burrum Heads), but I would prefer to pay a refundable bond. My dog uses minimal water, sleeps in my van and I supply and use the poo bags so what would I be getting for $5.
Winging maybe ! but it's always just another "levy" and we just let them carry on as if we just lay down and submit to them, a refundable deposit would be acceptable i guess, and yes I have paid a little extra for our dogs, no problem, but really $5 per day, Meredith yes there are costs involved agreed but how does $5 per day cover anything to do with dogs reading between the lines your clearly not a dog person & that's fine.
Sunshine coast council is no better than Ipswich Council and look what just happened to them.
I understood that forums such as this are just for these type of comments & discussions Knightrider so do you assume that we aren't living the dream ?
They are all
B.B.B. [Bungling, Bureaucratic buffoons]
Hang on a moment fellow Qlders!
We had a wonderful Premier (a smiling Cheshire Cat, is one description) a few years ago. He convinced us that amalgamating the councils would save money - it didn't, as costs escalated through the roof! Then he got a cushy job in the USA, came home to run the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games & now the NRL. Under his "leadership", the state started to go broke as he was spending more than we earned. Thank goodness his silly motto on the number plates has gone - Qld the Smart State(?), indeed!
So under more & more of his party becoming Premiers (& spenders), the state's coffers are not in a good position so two ways of getting more loot are to fleece the visitors as they enjoy the warmth & sites in Qld & causing the power companies to take on more debt - so the locals pay more too!
I feel sorry for those who must travel on the coast & get lumbered in this way by these councils.
At the moment our Mayor is on a rate payers funded trip to Singapore "drumming up business between Townsville & Singapore". I guess unless we can convince the councils to back pedal a bit, we're stuck with them until the next election.
PS - I think Mike Harding's idea is great! All councils have contact details of the councillors on their websites.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Yep - I stayed at this park for a work trip in February - stayed 5 days. My wife comes with me because she is part of the business & works from the van while I see clients. Our 2 dogs come with us. The idea of getting the van was to cut down on motel and kennel costs for the dogs.
We go to the area 2-3 times a year. At $100 extra per trip, looks like to council misses out on our custom, and we contribute to someone else's profit
I mistakenly thought that all you people "living the dream" as you so often say would be happy people, but all I read & hear is comments like - greedy Councils, fees to high, not enough free camps, National Park restrictions, fuel rip offs, caravan park rip offs, RV unfriendly towns and on & on it goes. Lighten up, & start "living your dream" or be like Jarryd Hayne & change your dreams.
Reckon it comes with the particular demographic Knightrider, most of em enjoy nothing more than a good whinge.
My intention on the original post was to simply inform like minded people about what goes on in different Shires / Councils around the country as that what I understand forums are all about NOT to start any arguments, of course we will all have our own opinions & accept those opinions, some will come back with an attack on Dog Owners why, because they don't like dogs, that's fine but if that's the case then dont reply !! because that's when differences of opinions start.
Anyway I made my original post done and dusted now
Move on to the next issue.
By the way I will be in Mt Isa & then Darwin in two weeks time, both parks we have booked do not charge for dogs :]
Guys, My intention on the original post was to simply inform like minded people about what goes on in different Shires / Councils around the country as that what I understand forums are all about NOT to start any arguments, of course we will all have our own opinions & accept those opinions, some will come back with an attack on Dog Owners why, because they don't like dogs, that's fine but if that's the case then dont reply !! because that's when differences of opinions start. Anyway I made my original post done and dusted now Move on to the next issue. By the way I will be in Mt Isa & then Darwin in two weeks time, both parks we have booked do not charge for dogs :]
Kind regards Dave & Maz
Thank you for your original post. What you've highlighted re. park charges for dogs is actually useful information for those who travel with dogs. You have to laugh at the sanctimonious types to whom the thread has no relevance (i.e. people sans dogs), yet here they are having a whinge through comments that serve no other purpose than creating argument...pointless, yes. Ironic, definitely!
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
We have a much loved Labrador, she accompanies us on all of our travels, if she costs us a few $$$ on the road so be it, so yes the OP is relevant to us.
Have seldom come across a park that charges for dogs, when we do, we pay the fee and make a note in our log, certainly don't get bent out of shape over it.
I decided to do a bit of research re this charge. Based on what I found on the Council site it would seem the $5 fee applies to Coolum and Mudjimba and that they have been introduced for 2019. It would seem the fee is not applicable to other CP.
The news report did say that they will be looking across the board some time in 2019
FYI Mudjimba has just opened an extra area it's huge and as of today it is as full as it can be, looking at the area from the road it's extremely well down & just a few yards to a great beach, but a leash only area, Rangers do patrol the beach for dogs off leash.