A friend told me today that a friend of hers recently bought a Wacaco NanoPresso and loves the coffee so much that he has packed away his expresso machine at home and only uses this now.
And it is lightweight (336 grams), so great for caravanning.
Has anyone on this forum tried one of these? If so, what are your thoughts?
And has anyone seen one in a shop? If so, which one?
If you refer to an earlier post of mine, we have had one for many months, the big machine is going into storage, and this is all we use now. Two cups of coffee per day great coffee. Worth the money, we got the one that does ground coffee, plus the converter to Nesspresso Pods.
I had an initial problem of some small rubber blanks coming out that covered some screws, but in the end after losing a couple, I have just taken them out, they are just decoration. It is important not to over fill the basket, or put too much water in the bottom cup there is a line to fill up to, if you over fill you can get scolded. Refrain from pumping quick, just slow and steady, and you have a good cup with creama.
Thanks, Iana, some very good advice. I just read your previous post (and the discussion) as well - also very informative. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
I have just purchased from ebay the Nanopresso + the double expresso adaptor + the attachment that takes the mini nespresso pods. Should be here in Rocky within the week.