I get an email from 'Mr 4x4' on a regular basis and I read there and on this forum about the number of "RECALLS" these days. I have never known so many. It didn't happen in the 'old days'. You know, those days you and I were young whipper snappers driving around in our twin exhaust Panel Vans and noise to go with it, with the back up and radio playing as loud as we could get it to go, just cruising the streets. Well I did anyway. I also had long blond surfy type hair too. Yep, the chief with long blond hair Maybe that's why I am a bit dumb Sorry to any lovely blonds out there OH! It's all grey now and has been for many moons.
My point is, so much for quality control. It must be like good old fashioned service, it's just not around anymore. "Shame, Shame, Shame"
Anyways, just say'n I spose.
Have a great day but,
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Car are more hi tech today and more things to go worng , We cant see what the smart chips are up to till there is a mishap so hard for service to pick up the faults
I take a fairly positive view of recalls seeing them as proactive i.e. manufacturers taking some initiative (or you could say covering their backsides - see it as you will!). Cars may pass quality control when rolling off the line, but often it takes some time in real-world use for a component weakness/failure to become apparent. The more complex cars become, the more faults may arise. I'd sooner get the thing in for a recall fix rather than have it fail causing greater inconvenience.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
RECALL = Prevention of litigation and bad press, it's a fast moving and knowledgeable world out there.
Far too many people willing to slam and slander at the slightest issue nowadays, car companies need to protect their brand.
As for the "Good old days", you mean when everyone smoked around their kids, drove drunk, speeding was commonplace
and we all were unrestrained in unpadded solid metal car interiors?
Cars in general were not as reliable compared to today and they were very fuel hungry.
The roads had five times less cars on them compared to today and the road toll was 5 times more.
For mine, I love the nostalgia of old cars and bikes but prefer the safe, quiet and efficient vehicles of today.
"life is too short to spend it with people who suck the happiness out of you"
The other problem s that you can"t get under the bonnet and work on your vehicle these days like we used to be able to! Even the new diesels are so chock full of technology that you just about need a doctorate in mechanical engineering to understand what's under the bonnet, unless that's your chosen profession. I rebuilt the motor on a TD 42 Patrol a bit more than a few years ago, but wouldn't try today with the computers, etc in them.
Dave (Nutgrass)
Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so make the first a good one.
RECALL = Prevention of litigation and bad press, it's a fast moving and knowledgeable world out there. Far too many people willing to slam and slander at the slightest issue nowadays, car companies need to protect their brand. As for the "Good old days", you mean when everyone smoked around their kids, drove drunk, speeding was commonplace and we all were unrestrained in unpadded solid metal car interiors? Cars in general were not as reliable compared to today and they were very fuel hungry. The roads had five times less cars on them compared to today and the road toll was 5 times more. For mine, I love the nostalgia of old cars and bikes but prefer the safe, quiet and efficient vehicles of today.
Good summary, well said.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Wouldn't it be great if caravan manufacturers had the same policy? That is recalling x number of vans because of wheel alignment issues after myriads of owners complained about tyres scrubbing, etc - instead of the dealers not acting on complaints - saying "that's not our problem as someone else made the axle, the shower recess, the stove, the airconditioner, - the list goes on".
At least now with the newer cars, there is support for the tow truck industry as an "engine fault" light often means the car cannot be driven any further. Once the only use for a tow truck was after an accident or an automatic transmission failed.
And for those who like the "good old days", how much oil did they add to the sump of their English made cars - often "fill her up with oil, just check the petrol" was the saying.
Todays cars are more reliable, go faster, cost more but when things go wrong - look out for your wallet if the car is out of a warranty & perhaps if the car stops suddenly on a fast, busy highway start looking for an ejection seat!
I wonder how the manufacturers of general tools will cope when no-one can work on "their pride & joy" anymore as kids of the future take the cars to either a dealer or car recycler to be fixed/scrapped?
I went to a mechanic today in Warrnambool who said "I can fix your tyre scrubbing problem for you quite cheaply - have done lots in the past". "Jayco is good to me".
So next week my van will be fixed & my leg ulcer may start healing!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
I get an email from 'Mr 4x4' on a regular basis and I read there and on this forum about the number of "RECALLS" these days. I have never known so many. It didn't happen in the 'old days'. You know, those days you and I were young whipper snappers driving around in our twin exhaust Panel Vans and noise to go with it,
We did not have the ACCC back then. The introduction of the ACCC came about the same time as we started to get recalls on our vehicles.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Who today would buy one of these "old" cars if they were available new.
I bought a Cortina when they first came out. It was a "standard" model. No radio, no aircon, no power steering, no bluetooth, no computer, no carpets just rubber, no disc brakes, the list is too long to post. I even had to pay extra for the heater which was an option. My dream add on which I couldn't afford were a couple of side draught Weber Carbs. Oh the good old days.
A couple of spotlights and a go faster stripe a la Lotus Cortina and I was the envy of my mates.
No recalls because it didn't have fancy bells and whistles to create problems. If it broke down at the side of the road, it could be easily fixed.
I recently lost my car's spare key. The mobile locksmith came along, laser cut the new key then spent 3 hours using 2 computers to get the key/remote to talk to the car. In the old days cut the key, switch the car on, pull out the choke, start the car and off you go.
RECALL = Prevention of litigation and bad press, it's a fast moving and knowledgeable world out there. Far too many people willing to slam and slander at the slightest issue nowadays, car companies need to protect their brand. As for the "Good old days", you mean when everyone smoked around their kids, drove drunk, speeding was commonplace and we all were unrestrained in unpadded solid metal car interiors? Cars in general were not as reliable compared to today and they were very fuel hungry. The roads had five times less cars on them compared to today and the road toll was 5 times more. For mine, I love the nostalgia of old cars and bikes but prefer the safe, quiet and efficient vehicles of today.
Ok so recalls can be inconvenient but in my experience they normally mail a notification and then organise a suitable time with you to fix it for free ? I couldn't agree more Vince it's easy to forget the bad things about vehicles from earlier times such as the fact that they were usually rust buckets, had about the same road handling ability as a tank, fuel economy and emissions were attrocious, they had very few safety features including seat belts and normally in the base model you didn't even get a car radio. I still remember some cars running around that you had to hang your arm out the window to signal, wipers that were vacuum operated and would speed up or slow down depending on your speed. I often wonder if people who say that they prefer cars from those bygone eras are more attracted by the memories that they bring of their youth rather than what great vehicles they were. Seriously how many manufactures in the "old days" would have had the confidence to offer you a 5 or 7 year unlimited warranty - you were lucky to get 12 months out of them and in my opinion even luckier if you didn't have to use it ? Tony if I remember correctly back in the 70s used vehicles in NSW that were over a certain value and purchased through a licensed dealer had to be given a 3 month warranty.
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Saturday 30th of June 2018 01:58:11 PM
Dougwe, it seems to me these other people are off topic, isnt this about Recalls???? and Yes I recalls, I recalls the panel van, brand new, HJ genuine Sandman, lime green with poo brown interior, sun roof, V8, aussie 4 speed, Monaro dash, fully lined roof. The soon to be MIL helped me line it out with velour walls (no windows) and stripe curtains. I fitted extractors and 4 into one 4inch side pipes. Bit deaf now but Led Zeppelin at full tilt and tail gate up I was doing about 40 mph just parked in a parking bay. Yes, I do recalls, thanks very much.
No problem Sarge. I'm not that tender I get upset about topics going off topic, I'm used to it from way back when, on the forum. KFC is the king of 'off topic'. Howdy Frank.
I wasn't sure how or where this topic would end up anyway. It wasn't just cars or vans, I have noticed a lot of things lately. TJM recalled a snach strap because of a label just to name one other thing.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)