Just a heads up for anyone driving in the Shark Bay Area. Diesel fuel yesterday (wed) in Denham was 8 cents per litre cheaper than at the Overland roadhouse out on the highway so if going into Denham or Monkey Mia it may be worth waiting till you get into town.
Buy fuel every time you can get it. Running out because you think fuel is expensive is not a good option. Weve been thru a few roadhouses on our trip up the centre that had no diesel. Also had a severe head wind that cut our economy from 13.5 l/100kms to about 16 l/100kms so pulling over for 189c/l at a remote location was a better option than trying to make it to the next major roadhouse hoping for cheaper fuel turned out to be a good decision.
Hi Travellinglew, I for one appreciated your heads up. I also noted you were simply referring to those intending to head out to the Denham/Monkey Mia area. And not suggesting taking any risks. Most sensible people are well aware of the need to have (and buy fuel) to ensure no run out. Once again thank you for the info. Safe travels.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia.
Yes, we topped at the Overlander Road House yesterday, because it was Caltex (Vortex) Diesel, we could have ventured further down the road to the Billabong Road House and diesel was 13c a litre cheaper.
I prefer to know what I am putting in my Cruiser when I have choices.