Is ANYONE OUT THERE (in Victoria) able TOHELP us ???
We have a 6.5m JAYCO STERLING, on site @ KILMORE. We don't have a powerful enough vehicle, with which to tow it. We had it delivered to site, by the Dealer from whom we bought it!
The Van weighs approx. 2.2tonnes + has Electric Brakes. We need to arrange a Vicroads Permit to take it to Register, ideally @ Dromana (we live in Rye) & then take to a nearby Caravan Repair Venue, in Rosebud/Frankston(3hrs). Alternately, a much shorter distance, we could go to Bendigo (1 hour).
I have exhausted ALL other options I have come up with......A "Good Samaritan' is our last resort !
Being Campervan TRAVELLERS, for the last 25 years, we KNOW the Kindness & sense of Brotherhood , we have always found with fellow travellers!
Of course, we will be happy to reimburse for all Fuel & Time!!!
If YOU can HELP US.....please call Baryn 0422 477 922 OR Connie 0410 282 061 (together="WANDERLUST")
If towing is only being arranged to get repair work done, is it possible that there is a mobile repair service that can come to site to do the work?
That would save registration and permit cost, and not require the van to be moved away.
Aside from that, if you still require it to be towed to the particular repairer at Frankston for some reason, then perhaps they would be able to either arrange a tow, or do it themselves to secure the work for themselves.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
We need to arrange a Vicroads Permit to take it to Register,
In case you weren't aware, in Victoria there are no roadworthy requirements for caravans.
If it has been less than 3 months since it was last registered there is no VicRoads inspection required. Even permanent on-site caravans are usually registered.
The seller simply fills out their portion of the VicRoads form and you fill out your part and then you go into VicRoads and pay the fees.
$6.50 transfer fee
$58.00 rego
$18.20 for a licence plate
If more than 3 months (or and interstate van) then they (VicRoads) simply want to inspect its compliance Plate and Chassis Number. They will not be inspecting the caravan for roadworthiness.
$18.20 appointment fee and $29.00 inspection fee.
There is no stamp duty in Vic for caravans under 4.5 tonnes.