The Australian 4WD Industry Council of Australia have just released a statement regarding changes to GCM re-rating for vehicles undergoing a Second-Stage-of-Manufacture. As of July 1, 2018, there will be no more GCM upgrades permitted on new vehicles.
From what I have been told by a Lovells outlet , its a proposal only at this point and being considered as there are quite a few businesses that are affected by this proposal that will go bust , the govt has to consider all factors b4 it gets passed thru.
agree for most of us that are happy to work within the confines of our vehicles limitations this means nothing,but for those that believe they know more than the thousands of engineers and designers world wide who are paid billions every year to design said vehicles then its just another loophole to try and find.
I was driving thru Bendigo beside a Navara with a 5th wheeler attached,every time he changed gear the chassis would bend about 3 inches some times more,it was scary to see so I got out of there before it would collapse