Hi everyone, I found this below from the link that I've also attached for everyone's info. It shows the total number or registrations up to 2017. Not a bad site if you want to have a look.
Thats an interesting site , campervans and motorhomes combined represent approx 10% to caravans ,up or down a bit across all states . Looks like caravans etc also are proportional to each states population from a cursory glance
Interesting numbers but not really proportional to the population size for the 3 largest states. NSW has 1.6million more people than VIC and 2.8million more people than Qld. These figures show that both Qld and Vic both have more RVs than NSW and Qld per head of population would be a long way ahead of both of them. I may be completely wrong on this but my theory is that a lot of people retire to Queensland and part of that lifestyle probably includes owning an RV also the cost of registration in NSW is that high it wouldn't surprise me if some residents of this state have found a way to fudge where their RV actually lives.