Cannot get an interstate script filled in NT. Told we have to go to a local doctor to get a new script. Local doctor will only give you a script with a reference from the doctor who wrote out the original script. Sounds a bit too much red-tape. I thought we were one country, one medicare system. Not happy Jan. Wife had told her doctor that she would be getting the script filled in NT and he never said a thing.
Presumably you were after an S8 drug which fall under state and territory laws (poison acts I think). Typically these types of scripts aren't eligible for repeats. Just see a local GP.
Thanks for that. Just looked up S8 drugs. It all makes sense of what happened. GP gave wife two scripts. She should have got both filled before we left home rather than just one.
Just trying to clarify S8 restrictions on the mainland I'm currently in Tas and what happens here is that my GP can arrange a 3 month prescription. However, in Tas at present that prescription is actually held by the first pharmacist that fills it and you have to return there to get your next 2 prescriptions. Is it different on the mainland? Ie, can you carry your S8 prescription with you to have it filled wherever you happen to be?
My wife and I carry a letter from our GP explaining what we are on and why with full contact details of the GP.
So far we have had no trouble getting scripts from another doc on our travels.
We did have trouble in the ACT with one of my wifes drugs as the ACT forbids the sale of the strength she requires.
The fix was to go over the border to Queanbean.
It is crazy that we have different rules across States.
All medical, prescriptions and licensing of drivers and vehicles should be Federal in my opinion but I won't hold my breath