Hey guys take it easy out there. Three more roll overs this week. What the hell is going on !!!! I do see by the photos that most roll overs are big full height vans ?? My 15ft pop top stays very steady on the road. Please please please take care and just slow down a little bit. Holidays are easily stuffed by one wrong move. Col P
Anyone have any information on the caravan demolished on the Forest Highway West Aust last Friday afternoon heading South just North of Brunswick Junction ??
That's no good, in fact very bad for those involved. I suppose, though, when you consider how many vans there are heading north-west for the warm weather, many first timers with little experience, it is not really surprising. We have been constantly surprised at how fast some people want to go. I think a course in towing would be a great idea - maybe the insurance companies could offer a discount if you completed a course or had at least 12 months experience. Just a thought.
Its the time of year (Grey Nomad Rollover Season) runs from about the start of April to the end of September.
Frequent instances will be encountered, particularly on long straight isolated stretches of road.
When asked the cause of the incident, the driver of the vehicle will always identify freak conditions outside of his control, it is never the drivers fault.
-- Edited by Santa on Friday 25th of May 2018 07:17:32 PM
-- Edited by Santa on Friday 25th of May 2018 07:21:54 PM
BF Falcon wagon - they had a good name as a tow vehicle. Van looks old with mechanical over-ride brakes. Must be terrifying for something like that to happen.
I drove past the Forrest highway scene shortly after, all that was left was the chassis still attached to small single cab hilux. No indication of what caused the crash.