Surfing the net frantically today and came across a website for Free Range Camping. They are very sales orientated and seem to be offering a lot of the features of the CMCA. I know that some members here rate CMCA very highly (and probably rightly so), but has anyone got any feedback for me regarding Free Range Camping? Does anyone belong to both?
Thanks in advance for any and all responses and opinions.
Definitely chasing $ membership - it's a very hard sell. I haven't heard of Camps 9 before either so I'd better toddle over to another tab and have a look.
Thanks Bas + Eve
It's our intention to avoid the more popular camps as well, although sometimes I'm sure it will prove to be unavoidable. I'll have a look at Badgers as well, thanks for the info.
Once youâve traveled you soon get a sixth sense of places to stop overnight at . Scenery, beach, town or built up areas . We use a combo of wiki & camps . Sometimes just asking a local ? This seems to break the them & us thing . Funny though we have often stopped thinking nice quiet location by ourselves . To look around in the morning to see 5 to 15 other camps around you . Not that it worries us ! Lol
Hi, Rather than start a new topic, and having just joined Nomads, my intention is, after I purchase my intended vehicle and camper trailer within the next few weeks, is to head North for the winter from Brisbane in any N, NW direction.
Now, having said that, my question is; what would be the best addition to WikiCamps, which I already have to guide me in way of the best (free) camping stopovers, and to enjoy the nature?
-- Edited by homealone on Monday 21st of May 2018 08:38:14 PM
Hi, Rather than start a new topic, and having just joined Nomads, my intention is, after I purchase my intended vehicle and camper trailer within the next few weeks, is to head North for the winter from Brisbane in any N, NE direction.
Now, having said that, my question is; what would be the best addition to WikiCamps, which I already have to guide me in way of the best (free) camping stopovers, and to enjoy the nature?
Pull off into the bush & make your own campsite out of sight from main roads. More nature in these spots, less generators, ash scares & bored people wandering around with a glass in
their hand wanting to tell you their life story. We've been doing it for years. Check Wikicamps for popular spots & then avoid them.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Aus-Kiwi, I know where your coming from with the pop-up neighbours ha ha. I've been confused when waking up to different surrounders many a time! It's all part and parcel of sharing this wonderful playground.
Hi Vern, I'm new too. I think you've probably asked the same question as me, just more succinctly. Mind you, I'll be using word of mouth probably as much as WikiCamps so that I can avoid the crowds as much as possible.
Talking to people is funny. Some seem to get along with . Others seems a pita . Then you wander ? Hope I am not like that !! Yes I am
A have a chat ! But rather that than ignorant Old codger syndrome . Aha Never too old to learn ..
Hi, Rather than start a new topic, and having just joined Nomads, my intention is, after I purchase my intended vehicle and camper trailer within the next few weeks, is to head North for the winter from Brisbane in any N, NE direction.
Now, having said that, my question is; what would be the best addition to WikiCamps, which I already have to guide me in way of the best (free) camping stopovers, and to enjoy the nature?
Pull off into the bush & make your own campsite out of sight from main roads. More nature in these spots, less generators, ash scares & bored people wandering around with a glass in
their hand wanting to tell you their life story. We've been doing it for years. Check Wikicamps for popular spots & then avoid them.
Hi, Rather than start a new topic, and having just joined Nomads, my intention is, after I purchase my intended vehicle and camper trailer within the next few weeks, is to head North for the winter from Brisbane in any N, NE direction.
Now, having said that, my question is; what would be the best addition to WikiCamps, which I already have to guide me in way of the best (free) camping stopovers, and to enjoy the nature?
Pull off into the bush & make your own campsite out of sight from main roads. More nature in these spots, less generators, ash scares & bored people wandering around with a glass in
their hand wanting to tell you their life story. We've been doing it for years. Check Wikicamps for popular spots & then avoid them.
Hi Keith....I like your philosophy!
Most people don't realize that they can legally camp on any Crown Land. State Forests & some TSR's (Travelling Stock Reserves) mostly near a river to water stock, are great places to
independently camp. Who needs to cluster in these ''used & abused'' places listed in books & on internet websites? Some of the places that we've planned to stay at for one night have
been so good that we've changed our mind & stayed up to four nights. Obviously on major highways stay well off the road, out of sight. We've been ''bush camping'' extensively for
more than 40 years using these methods & have never had an issue.
We don't stay in spots because they are free, we stay in places that interest us as far as nature is concerned.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Tuesday 22nd of May 2018 05:53:30 PM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.