Our 2017 model Fiat Ducato based Avida Birdsville has an inbuilt Tom Tom system that was three years old when we bought the RV new (so four years old now). From what I can gather, we can't update it (despite purchasing the latest Australia map). In my unsuccessful efforts to resolve this ridiculous situation, Avida and Fiat each referred me to Tom Tom, but despite Tom Tom's reasonable troubleshooting effort, they referred me back to Avida/Fiat.
Possible explanations, it seems to me, include but are not limited to:
1. The associated USB drive is faulty (but unlikely, as I can charge my phone from this USB port);
2. The Tom Tom device is faulty (but unlikely, as I've been using it - albeit well out of date); or
3. A licence problem (between Tom Tom and either Fiat or Avida).
Does anyone else have a similar issue and have you solved it?
I'll have a stab at it. The map data may be provided by Tom Tom, but likely "packaged" to suit the Fiat system. So unless you bought the actual Fiat product it's like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. If you did buy a Fiat provided update, then there are still a few curve balls that can exist in getting it into the unit. Perhaps you can elaborate on what you bought, and what type of media it was on, and then how you've gone about trying to install it. Cheers, Steve
Landrovers have a similar problem. However an independent supplier has developed a method of installing IGO Navigation into the Landrover head unit which then allows updating. However it is expensive as a one off purchase. However better than a sat nav system that is 3 years out of date when you buy the vehicle and only get worse with age. Some people just bite the bullet and buy a stand alone unit, or in fact use google maps on their phones. Both are cheaper alternatives but mean just another thing hanging off the dash area!
16.5 Discovery 4 with a few mods and New Age MR 16' Deluxe
I have a European car with a GPS unit. Similar problems with them out here. Actually on a UK forum they have the same complaint also and complain the paid updates are old and out of date when they get them.
They use Tom Tom maps too, but it is some license agreement with some third party and cannot be upgraded except through the car dealer system, and that does not always work well either. What a load of crap it all is. Just buy a stand alone system.
1. The associated USB drive is faulty (but unlikely, as I can charge my phone from this USB port);
Being able to charge a phone from the USB socket does not mean that the connection is OK, the data line and voltage lines are separate connections.
In my naivety, I just purchased from https://www.tomtom.com/en_au/drive/maps-services/shop/travel-map/australia/
As I say, I didn't get far. The instructions in Fiat's uConnect manual had me try (and fail) to prepare a USB drive (actually it says "prepare a SB device' - but I assume this is a typo) - via the Tom Tom device Settings menu. Once again, that's as far as I got. Rather than an error message, I got no feedback - but after 10 minutes of nothingness, I capitulated.
RonHC , if as you say the TOM TOM is four years old where did you buy it from and was it new or used and has it been upgraded previously . Who fitted it to your Fiat .
In my naivety, I just purchased from https://www.tomtom.com/en_au/drive/maps-services/shop/travel-map/australia/
As I say, I didn't get far. The instructions in Fiat's uConnect manual had me try (and fail) to prepare a USB drive (actually it says "prepare a SB device' - but I assume this is a typo) - via the Tom Tom device Settings menu. Once again, that's as far as I got. Rather than an error message, I got no feedback - but after 10 minutes of nothingness, I capitulated.
Cheers Ron
Is the gps unit fitted in a double din unit fitted into the dash? If it is bite the bullet and install an Android based entertainment system, especially if you have an Android phone. I have just installed one in an Iveco and I run Sygic, an app based GPS. If you are familiar with downloading apps via the Playstore on your phone it is very similar to on an Android based GPS system. My father had a TomTom GPS and doing updates was just a nightmare, sometimes it would work, most of the time it didn't
You can see my blog page on the one I purchased.In my opinion forget the name brand stuf and buy a high end system with a budget price and get good value for money and take the time to learn how to use it. The Android based GPS's come into their own if you want to integrate it with Wikicamps, link below