Hi guys and gals. Wife and I are taking a leisurely cruise to Innamincka and back from Brisbane. We've got a front wheel drive motorhome which we love but we have to be careful where we go. I know the roads are mainly sealed so not a problem but are the free camping sites suitable for us. The home doesn't like soft sand so anybody who's been out there and can tell me I'd appreciate it. Regards Dave
I don't know about free camping. From WikiCamps, the Town Common is $5 per night. The others have a mixture of needing "Parks pass required $150" and comments about "Nightly fee + regional parks access fee of $10 (nightly fee is $18 @ Cullyamurra Waterhole.) When you move away from the town area you seem to need the Annual Parks fee of $150.
I did not venture far from town as much of the roads were flood affected at the time. I did stay in the town common at $5 per night. It is an easy walk to town from the eastern end. There were no sandy patches that I observed, even close to the creek. You should have no problems. There was a bit of sand on the road to the Town Common South End.
As far a The Dig Tree goes, ask at the store/info centre regarding how the present state of the track in is. It seems to vary considerably. When I went in I was able to tow through the rocky gullies at 15 - 25 km/h. The rest of the sandy clay road was firm and smooth, we travelled at 60 -80 km/h. Others have reported atrocious road surfaces (probably city slickers.) If the road is suitable for you to walk your rig through those few rocky dry creek crossings it is well worth going into there. The road is wide enough for you to turn your rig around, when you come to the first rough patch, stop and walk it before proceeding.
-- Edited by PeterD on Sunday 22nd of April 2018 12:51:59 PM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Thanks Peter. Much appreciated and useful. I probably used the wrong term when I said free. $5 is very reasonable and I will willingly pay that.Just get annoyed with the big amounts when you need nothing except somewhere to park. I will follow your advice and see those things subject to the road conditions so once again thank you. Dave
If it is busy then there is not much of a chance of getting a spot along the coopers Creek but there are heaps of sites up away from the creek. I managed to slip into a creek side spot as someone else was vacating.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.