wondering who the grey nomad was that was in the info centre car park at Glen Innes today? Would loved to have said hi but you'd gone when we came out.
But its always good to know that the travelling nomads stop in Glen for a look around and possibly spend a few $'s here.
Lived here for 20 yrs. after escaping from the Central Coast and I can say to anyone contemplating, it is a very friendly town, excellent facilities and a great 4 seasons climate.
The 4 free o/n rest areas plus van parks makes for a good travellers in transit stop.
We are spending a few days here and loving it. Staying at the Showgrounds. We got up at 4.45am this morning and went to the Standing Stones for sunrise. The mist and clouds made for a fantastic experience. We made porridge and enjoyed the changing light. Loved the balancing rocks and autumn colours yesterday. You are very lucky for this to be your backyard. Off sightseeing again this arvo and yes we are putting a few dollars into the town, coffee, supermarket, newsagent, ohhh and the strawberry place yummm.
Found them! They are not members of our forum. Travellers, living on the road spending six months here and six months in their home state Tasmania. They pulled in across the paddock from us at Showgrounds today .
Good news for you and I hope you continue to enjoy your stay.
The collection of old engines this weekend at the showground could be of interest to you and the Mining Museum at Emmaville is well worth the drive over.
If you are looking for a very good meal in town and a yarn to friendly locals I highly recommend the Railway Tavern, western end of Bourke St. (no connection, only a happy customer).