Well after taking advice from all the lovely people who replied to my question about insurers I am not only disappointed but really annoyed. WFI informed me they don't insure in our area of 4741 in Qld due to it being a cyclone area. In many previous years Brisbane and the SE have been hammered by storms and damage far worse than where we are but we are the ones paying the price. I am disgusted with this blatant ill informed attitude for regional Qld. I did note that they have an office in Bundaberg that has suffered from flooding as has many areas of Qld.
You can not accuse them of "ill informed attitude" because their business decisions will be based on historic records of claims from the underwriter.. All businesses want your money, but they are not providing a public service and if the risk to them is too high, they have every right to say "No thanks".
Consult an insurance broker. Their job is to find the best deal for you and you are their priority, unlike an insurance company whose first priority is their share holders.
Get over it. It's their business and they can choose to insure or not as they see fit. Plenty of other insurers out there. As Peter said - go talk to a broker (instead of the 'lovely people' on this forum) and let them find you the best cover.