I have seen and heard of a few rigs with car toppers, some tinnies upside down on the roof racks, some with the trailer and boat on the roof racks of the tow car.
can you please show pics of your rig set up with your boat in place for travel while towing your caravan, and the lifting device to get it to where you store it.
Hi Salt, Hope these photos come through as I've not done this before. I have a Rhino side boat loader attached to my roof rack on my Suzuki Grand Vitara. It weighs 20kgs and the tinny a 3.2m aluminium 55 kgs. I am allowed 80kgs all up stated by Suzuki. I've been flat towing this set up for approx. 12 months now with no worries. . It is a very simple set up with the boat unloaded and loaded by using a common battery operated drill. it takes about 15minutes to load once you get the hang of it. I designed a outboard carrier to fit on my towbar and it carries a 9.8hp mercury. I also strap my redclaw nets inside the boat. cheers and beers Larry. Whoops they turned upside down. Ah well nothings perfect