My Qld. permit says Australian Disability Permit so I assume its all OK. I have been in Victoria for the past 30 months and used it without problem. I will change to Victorian when it expires next year, but certainly no probs. Keith
Can even use them overseas if you hire a car. The sign on the permit is an international sign for disabled people. Interestingly in USA, with a permit you can park anywhere and not pay for parking at all and for as long as you like providing it does not become a clearway. Very handy considering here it is sometimes hard to find a disabled parking bay. Also in Victoria, if you park in a normal parking bay you have double the time limit.
16.5 Discovery 4 with a few mods and New Age MR 16' Deluxe
It used to be you had to put the maximum the meter would take, eg 60 mins, BUT allowed 120 mins. Pretty sure from a few months ago here in Ballarat you don't have to put ANY money in the meter with a disabled permit.
Check with the RTA or whatever they call it in each state you intend to visit. They all have different rules. In NSW & ACT, the limit is double the specified time up to 2 hours,and then it is all day. Also you don't have to pay at a parking meter. Note that this applies to public parking areas only - private parking is normal fees & times. I think that in Victoria even different council areas had different rules a few years back. Qld has different definition of disabled as well. Why oh Why don't we have common rules throughout this land?
Just going through this issue my self. We are migrating to Qld from WA. I am permitted to use my WA Australian permit until expiry then I have to apply (with all Dr referrals etc) for a Qld Australian permit. I give up as to why an Australian permit is different in Qld other than you pay Qld a heap (several hundred $s) of money to to obtain. As the WA receptionist advised me "use the time until expiry to save for the Qld permit".
Just going through this issue my self. We are migrating to Qld from WA. I am permitted to use my WA Australian permit until expiry then I have to apply (with all Dr referrals etc) for a Qld Australian permit. I give up as to why an Australian permit is different in Qld other than you pay Qld a heap (several hundred $s) of money to to obtain. As the WA receptionist advised me "use the time until expiry to save for the Qld permit".
The stupid part is that you have to get a doctor to sign off the application. He is supposed to have treated you for ... years and be fully conversant with your disabilities. Md Daughter moved to Brisbane and couldn't even get in to see a local GP where she was living because their books were full. So how do you get a new permit? Hopefully you have enough time left on your WA card to tide you over.
It used to be you had to put the maximum the meter would take, eg 60 mins, BUT allowed 120 mins. Pretty sure from a few months ago here in Ballarat you don't have to put ANY money in the meter with a disabled permit.
Aussie Paul.
Not so. Ballarat are very strict. You must get a doctors certificate either annually or bi-annually (depending on the permit issued) and take this to council in Armstrong Street.
The rules are national and are very simple to understand.
Permits are issued to a person and NOT to a vehicle. The permit can be used on any vehicle carrying the permit holder. It is an offence to display the permit if the permit holder is not the driver or a passenger in the vehicle. You get to park for twice the time limit in normal parking spots but only the signposted time in handicapped spots. You must abide by all the other rules and restrictions, including continuing to pay any parking fees for that extended period. EG you cannot just pay for 1 hour and stop for 2 hours. You must pay for the time you are parked, so this means, as an example, returning to your vehicle after 1 hour and refilling the meter for another hour, or you may get booked for being at an expired meter.