We are planning our trip after we have spent 2 weeks at Osprey Bay and Exmouth.
We leave end of May and have booked a place near Broome.
Our first plan was to go up the coast via Karratha, but some people have said that we should go inland through Tom Price/Karrajini. With all the recent rain and subsequent road damage are not sure which is the best way to go. Further on we will be going to Katherine and surrounding National Park.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
I would definitely go via Karijini, its one of our favourite ever places. The sealed road via Tom Price and onto Karijini is open and I'm sure there will no real problems with it when you are travelling up that way.
If you are from the east and wont be in the Pilbara again at least for a while then I would suggest not missing out Karijini and just as easy to get there via the black top going down the GN Hwy. The sealed roads up in the north west are great shouldnt be any problems with floods in May onward. Suggest you take your time to see whats up there and not just travel straight through on route one to Broome.
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Hi, and many thanks for your input and suggestion to go into Millstream.
We have a 2wd Avan Ovation Motorhome, so would we be ok getting in there, and where would you suggest we stay. We have a Parks Pass, so that would help ? What are the good areas to vist there. We would be thiking of changing our plans so that we travel in from Exmouth to Tom Price to see Karanjini, then go to Karatha via Millstream ??
What do you think..
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank