Relocating to Perth. So far I've only found the caravan park at Port Hedland. I'm driving south with Fluffy, planning to take 4 or 5 days on either the inland or coast road. Any good safe free camping places or dog-friendly accommodation recommendations welcome! Planning to buy Camps 9 in case of no phone signal.
Heading out of Perth, between Perth & Geraldton there's a stretch of road that's about 250k's long that runs through a series of National Parks. All the rest stops along that stretch are in National Parks, so you can't take a break if you have a domestic animal on board.
The irony is that as you approach each rest stop there's a sign "Rest if you're tired", what's missing is "BUT NOT IF YOU HAVE AN ANIMAL ON BOARD".
We stopped at one (cause I just had to pee) and where quickly told to move on NOW by a ranger or be fined. Thank god for empty milk bottles! LOL
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
When you buy the Camps Australia Wide camp book, you will see plenty of free camps on the coast road
(I have yet to go on the inland road)
Even without the book, the free camps built by the Main Roads Department, are well signpost, and they are close to the road
One word of caution about your dog, in the remote areas there are dog baits, sometimes there are signs, sometimes not
It pays to keep your dog on a lease
We have the WIKI camps app on the phone and it tells us where we can take our pup, before this though we took her up to Cape Levique in the Kimberely WA, that terrible road those days only to be told when we got there to leave due to us having our pooch in the car!!! Go figure with all those camp dogs around it had me stumped.
WA is a terrible place to try and free camp unless its in a designated area or caravan pk, we found it much more civilized in the Eastern States.