That depends John on which has a demonstrated record of reliability.
You can have Cummins, the General and other claimed good gear but if say the electricals are problematic and especially if you can't get parts, then you might consider that 'Merican muscle to be more an expensive ship's anchor.
It is old technology. Tractors.
While I have kind, misty-eyed thoughts about a certain large truck with a blue oval up front that I owned many years ago for towing (and the GF followed, driving the Toyota Crown or the Volvo 142S - both comfortable, robust and economic drives!), I have to say that any fond memories of the truck are more due to my enjoyment of youth at the time. To be blunt, I remember the good about the truck when in fact it was an average vehicle, no more, even then.
The market is a reasonable guide I find and regardless of what the car mags say. Why compare with a Sahara though, although I'd certainly take one if offered
That is certainly a competitive price and would be very attractive to anyone wanting a large American ute.
Your comparison if only considering price maybe should have been held against a GX or a GXL Cruiser rather than the top of the range Sahara.
A GXL will do everything towing that a Sahara will do and the Silverado in the link is really a base model.
I love my Toyota but the longer we are out on the road the more I wish I had more space for the extras that the big ute would offer.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
I saw one of these MONSTERS (F650) today - it dwarfed my Patrol many times! Had some USA slogan on it & was heading for the Castletown shopping centre but would not have got into the underground park!
I've told Pat I'd like a RAM2500 like her brother has, but I don't think I could park it in the Vincent shopping centre!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!