Month or so ago I asked for advice on fixing a sail track to the fibreglass roof of my Transit van. I ended up using Sikaflex 11FC and it worked fantastically well. Second night of use we had downpour of rain and a large amount of water pooled in the tarp, but the track didn't budge. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice, it was all very much appreciated.
Somwhere along the line I have missed your arrival here on the forum so, welcome to the gang, enjoy here and out in the playground.
Well done Nick and thanks for getting back to the forum to let us know the outcome. Many, many times someone joins up, asks a question, then never seen again.
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
With sealant silicon,just leave the nozzle on whats left,and when you want to use it ,screw a new unused nozzle on the bottle the old stuff only dries in the nonzzle ,and whats left in the tube is still good...
Hi everyone. I've read through this thread and have a similar question, but the surface I want to attach the sail track to is different. It's the painted metal area above the sliding door of my Toyota Hiace. If the same method will work, how should I prepare the surface? Thanks in advance!
With sealant silicon,just leave the nozzle on whats left,and when you want to use it ,screw a new unused nozzle on the bottle the old stuff only dries in the nonzzle ,and whats left in the tube is still good...
I unscrew the nozzle, put some cling wrap over the end of the tube and carefully screw on the nozzle again to seal the cling wrap. It's kept the contents usable for many months.
Hi everyone. I've read through this thread and have a similar question, but the surface I want to attach the sail track to is different. It's the painted metal area above the sliding door of my Toyota Hiace. If the same method will work, how should I prepare the surface? Thanks in advance!
Maybe it will work, but with some sort of rivet at the ends and in the middle as backup. Are you planning on installing a full rollout awning or just a removeable sail shade?
Maybe the big green shed might have some advice or Mr Google. Good luck.
Thanks Rob. Sorry for being tardy. I went ahead with this, actually a couple of fellas generously did it for me. As it turns out, they did as you suggested - sikaflex plus 3 rivets (maybe more but I think it's 3 without looking). It's for adding an Oztent RV3 connector. I initially thought it would add strength in strong winds, but these fellas advised against having it set up in strong winds. It will essentially just prevent rain from coming in between the van and the tent.