Well, here we are in Brisbane and the weather the last week to 10 days as been perfect.
Yet in other parts of our great nation, our Mother Nature has wrecked havoc of a different kind.
NSW Bush fires that have destroyed family homes etc etc. Victoria where similar occurances have taken place and then, when we go up north.
Darwin had to withstand cyclone Marcus with flooding and property damage, whilst across in North Queensland Flooding and the annual wet season became a major problem.
Have any of our RVers or Grey Nomads been caught up in this annual Mother Nature disasters.???
Isn't this the truth. Right now in my part of NE Victoria, we haven't had a drop of rain since late January and that was only 3mm. And yet I hear on the radio that Dungog in NSW had over 100mm in 1 hour last night. Oh for just 25mm!!!
I had storm damage a month or so back, so have been unable to move. I'm thankful for that, because god only knows where I might have been with the NQ floods. I probably would of either been stuck heading south or west (was unsure of my direction and tend to make it up as I go along) and could have been smack bang in the middle of all the really nasty stuff.
So I've sat out some horrendous rains in that time, parts of this town went under and we were only a few inches from being cut off from town. That's been disconcerting enough. But, the bushfires and predicted floods in NSW today prove that it can be anywhere and anytime. All you can do is keep abreast of weather events etc. This is why I complain bitterly about the lack of phone/internet coverage in this country.
Central Vic is similar situation as NE Vic. 5mm in 50 days. Today I'm getting my front yard & nature strip replaced with crushed gravel. Still plenty of trees & shrubs. Finally given up with the grass after 8 years of poor rainfall. Won't have to worry about cutting what little grass/weeds I have when Nomadding.
Central Vic is similar situation as NE Vic. 5mm in 50 days. Today I'm getting my front yard & nature strip replaced with crushed gravel. Still plenty of trees & shrubs. Finally given up with the grass after 8 years of poor rainfall. Won't have to worry about cutting what little grass/weeds I have when Nomadding.
Our place only has a small of grass or weeds if you like out the front. Small front yard and the caravan takes up most of the area. All around the house from the pathways to the fence we have pebbles/stones.
We have plenty of pots, so when on the road all pots are placed under the back patio area with a delayed timed sprinkler system.
Do not like mowing.
We are heading off in April for a 4 to 5 month going up north or more so north west Qld regions.