As a relatively new member, between rummaging through old posts and making a few of my own, I can tell you that some of the SH~T fights that go on between members here does not encourage open discussion. Don't get me wrong, this is my no means unique to this forum but the level that it goes on is probably the highest I've even seen. I'm thick skinned and frankly can't be offended by any words on a computer screen especially not those of someone I don't know.
Still though, when only a few responses in your question, it turns into a p!ssing contest, to be honest you can't be bothered getting back amongst just move on.
All that aside, I agree with the OP a little common decency would be nice, not to mention people get invested when helping out and would like to genuinely know if the issue got sorted,.
As a relatively new member, between rummaging through old posts and making a few of my own, I can tell you that some of the SH~T fights that go on between members here does not encourage open discussion. Don't get me wrong, this is my no means unique to this forum but the level that it goes on is probably the highest I've even seen. I'm thick skinned and frankly can't be offended by any words on a computer screen especially not those of someone I don't know.
Still though, when only a few responses in your question, it turns into a p!ssing contest, to be honest you can't be bothered getting back amongst just move on.
All that aside, I agree with the OP a little common decency would be nice, not to mention people get invested when helping out and would like to genuinely know if the issue got sorted,.
my 2p
Pretty much agree with all you say Denmonkey.
It can be entertaining watching a thread unfold then quickly go off the rails, as you say, once you've expressed an opinion time to move on.
I've a feeling it's an age thing, none of the other forums I belong to or have been a member of in the past have ever been as unruly as this one.