Had a new awning fitted by a well known repairer in Canberra (Lloyds Caravan Repairs).
When we went to collect 'van, nobody came out to check that everything worked to both our satisfaction.
Took our money, no problem. When I asked if one of their staff would help me check the new awning, "nup, can't, too busy", even though the son was checking something on the computer, legs up on the desk, when I arrived.
I checked the fit and workings of the awning. Seemed alright. Hook up and go home. Hang on, the "Trail-mate" jack wont come down. Bent!
Approach owner and son, "Dad's busy welding".
Me: Does anyone know how the jack leg got bent?
Son: "No, I didn't do it"
Me: Then who did?
Voice from under a caravan (Dad/owner): "You must've done it, we've never bent one".
Me: It worked perfectly when I connected this morning and when I dropped the 'van off to you. Now it is bent and won't work as it is supposed to.
Advise Colin Young at Caravan Council - he records complaints;
3 Margaret Street
Parkdale VIC 3195
T: 0409 865 399
F: 03 9587 1828
Crikey - what a great way to run a business - sounds like Dad is doing all the work - and the Public Relations person has no of idea how to deal with the public.
Do what Possum3 says - report them - if you are in the NRMA or RAC - send them the post for the letters section - get it out there. Tell people your story.
They may soon find out how to work - but not run a business.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
My take on this sort of thing
Only one side of the storey (I'm not disputing it)
Name nd shame can leave the web site liable
Sugar will get better results than vinegar
They used to have a good rep back in the day, I went there once several months ago for some advice & decided I would never take my van there. Trouble is there are not to many places in Canberra that fix caravans.
OMG. Very similar story here, around the same time too. We got hit by a cyclone on Christmas Eve and had a bit of damage, in particular the awing. Contacted insurance - GIO who have been excellent - recommended to take it to Lloyds too. Didnt really want to but as others have said not much choice in Canberra. We have given GIO our feedback and suggested they remove Lloyds from their preferred repairer list. We will drive anywhere else in future.
Lloyds gave a quote to GIO quickly but then it took several text messages from me to actually get them to say they had ordered the parts. Several more texts over a few weeks and eventually told to bring it in - around 10am. I had already said we needed to arrange to drop the key on another day as we both start work at 7am. So hubby took the day off, took the van in and got a call back to collect it the same day. As they had parked it against a fence and no one there to open the awning to show it working hubby drove it home where the awning wouldnt open. I rang and owner said it worked perfectly for them but we could take it back the next day if we wanted to. Another day off, took it back and what a surprise they couldnt open the awning. Its been fixed but we dont feel that they have done all the work that GIO have paid them to do. We even had to get a mobile repairer to come out and fix another part on the new awning as we couldnt take more days off.
Not out to name and shame. Just stating facts.