Were just setting off on our long trip, left Sydney this week and are currently in Merimbula, looking forward to the rock and roll festival this weekend coming...
Whilst were traveling we would love to catch up with some fellow nomads and posters from this site, there is so much to learn and so many more stories we would love to hear. We spent time last year at Narabeen site with a rally from tugerah lakes and learned loads!
So, how will we know you all if we bump into you on a site or stopover?
Secret sign? Funny handshake? Flag on the van?
What should we look for?
Keith and Carol (spottable in one of the few new New Age "Road Owls" towed by a Colarado)
Keith & Carol Wylie
Holden Colorado, New Age Road Owl 18 foot. (love em both!)
I don,t know about other GNs but I always travel with a grey nomads stickers on both the back of the van and also the back window of the tug. Sometimes you may even spot me wearing my GN polo shirt all of which are available from the shop on this site. That reminds me I,ll have to order some more stickers for the new truck which I will be picking up when we get back to oz in a few weeks time. Enjoy your travels you never know we may even catch up sometime and exchange stories around the fire.
I have been travelling for 11 years never seen a grey nomad sticker but talk to anyone you meet and you will learn a lot , This forum is a very small compare with the number on the road .
Pretty much outside school holidays just about anyone in a van (paid or free) is a grey nomad and will say hello and talk of their adventures. At least that's my experience. "Happy Hours" late afternoon are quite common. Just walk around with a drink, even if it's just a water bottle.
You can recognise a grey nomad from miles away by the traffic blocked up behind him as he ambles along the road in the fast lane at 85 km/h. OK - I'll put my tin hat on and run for cover now.....
We also have a Grey Nomads sticker on the back of our motorhome (on the back glass), but like Brickies have never seen another one. I guess us stickered lot are just not at the same place at the same time. And yep, just go up and talk to people. We have met up with Dunmowin and Explorer and it was nice to put a face with a name. Cheers.
Im happy to advertise the fact that I,m a member of the GNs, happy to support the forum by buying products from the shop and happy to have a chat with anyone on the road especially other GNs. Whether someone wants to put a sticker on their car or van is up to them maybe $2 is money that is better spent elsewhere for some.
If you see a couple of fellows chest bumping each other, one yelling "Weight distribution Hitches", the other yelling "extension leads" they'll be Grey Nomads!
Grey nomads there everywhere just about every oldie with a van or motor home is a grey nomad ,this thread can only mean meeting up with fellow forum members on the road,and after being on this forum for sometime and interacting with other members I can understand that,the only answer is the stickers on the the Rvs rear end
Whenever you stay at a free camp or caravan park, just join the "circle" of chairs and the ones complaining about their health, the cost of parks, the lack of Government benefits and generally whinging, congratulations, you have found the Grey Nomads.
You can recognise a grey nomad from miles away by the traffic blocked up behind him as he ambles along the road in the fast lane at 85 km/h. OK - I'll put my tin hat on and run for cover now.....
Hi Robert...Aint that the truth! When I used to drive interstate,these clowns seemed to be everywhere,drifting along,blissfully unaware of the havoc they were creating behind them! For this reason,I tend to use secondary roads,so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to others.
Thanks to every one who has replied, much appreciated and gave us a few laughs too!
Looking forward to meeting lots of fellow travellers over the next few months, you will doubtless see us around camp fires, in the happy hours bars and proudly displaying our GN sticker on the truck and the van.
Safe travels all and give us a wave if you clock us!!!
Keith & Carol Wylie
Holden Colorado, New Age Road Owl 18 foot. (love em both!)