We often read about, or get a question from, travellers who worry about not feeling safe when travelling and camping all alone at wayside stops and camps.
We've never really felt unsafe staying at wayside stops and camps and we have stopped at some alone. Mostly there's always some other campers there or we wake up in the morning to find another vehicle parked not far away and we don't often go to bed before 10.00pm. so they've come in really late. We've put crim safe security screens on our windows and doors and had the two big plain glass panels on our home sealed so they won't shatter if a brick etc. is thrown at them. Plus we have security lights and deadlocks on all doors. When the motorhome is not parked in the yard it is kinda hard to disguise the fact that we are not at home. For our city I think our suburb is one of the higher targeted areas when it comes to break and enter. Cheers.
-- Edited by Gaylehere on Friday 2nd of March 2018 11:58:09 AM
Only ever had one problem free camping - and that was in a large town. We park up facing the way we are going to leave by, if possible.
We have gone to bed with not a soul around, wake up and surrounded by people - never hear them - unless they are wiz bangers! We have our little tow car chained and padlocked to the trailer, and the trailer padlocked to the motorhome - we have a Roamsafe security door on the "house", and have the front doors locked at all times.
In cities - which I can't bear now - we just drive through the quickest way. Currently at sons place in country Victoria - they leave doors unlocked if they are going to the local shops - they have a couple of barking dogs who would scare anyone away, they even bark if someone goes to the neighbours, and they aren't home - no hiding from Mitch-I or Dexter - or Hunter the guard cat.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
After reading the linked article I can now see the meaning for your post title :)
Other stats held [by the Aust Bureau of Stats] show that thefts from caravan parks are so numerous that they get their own index number
Speaking about me/us ... over the past 35+ years of caravan / campervan / MH camping, with the past 15yrs in our current MH, we have never had any sort of security problem whilst being camped "away from civilisation" in a riverbank camping area / roadside rest area / bush site etc. The only time/s when our stuff has been interfered with has been in a caravan park ~ thus their signs in the laundry ... "Look Out - Thieves About"
There have been times when we've parked in a city/town footy oval car park, to have the local hoons come around during the night, blow the horn while dropping a wheelie on their way out of the carpark. Entertainment? well maybe they think it is ... but at no stage has anyone ever tried to open a door or window
Why wasn't North Qld there in the stats? With the gutless State Govt's policy on youth crime & the courts' revolving door system, it can only bring more disappointment & costs to the victims whose cars are stolen & trashed! As well as winding up everyone elses' insurance costs.
Unfortunately cars are becoming too safe otherwise more of the kids would be seriously injured.
And some of the thieves are aged 9 years upward!
Yes John, the bush is much safer.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!