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I have found a lot of negative comments on these blogs towards poor service or company's not living up to their promises.

So just thought I'd give a rap to my local camping store Anaconda (Newcastle). I was wondering the aisles just looking at the camping stuff when I came across an item that I thought would come in handing on our upcoming camping trips, as it was over a $100 I thought I would do a internet search to see if there was a cheaper one advertised elsewhere. Sure enough I found the same item at another camping store some 400k's away at a cheaper price. So I though I will try Anaconda's price match plus 10% policy out.

Well after the staff done a verification check they beat the other price plus added the 10% with no fuss.  To me that's $40+ in my pocket, YIPEEE, free money.

So not all stores are out to entice customers with bogus promotions .


NOTE: why did I not support the cheaper store even though they had free shipping, mainly due to warranty issues if you have a problem with the item it's easier to deal face to face than over the internet, also I like the extra 10% 



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Yep there's nothing like free money. For example:

When we were buying our caravan new we were asked if we''d like to sit in it & have a coffee while we considered buying it.

It was already reduced in price & we'd quietly decided to buy it between each other. whisper.gif  whisper.gif

We were relaxing, enjoying our coffee slowly when the salesman poked his head in the door & said ''I'll take another $500 off if you like.''

We said thanks we'll buy it!laughing.giflaughing.gif Free money!


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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Found a $20 note once , does that count.smilesmile


Blues man.


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Micka wrote:

I have found a lot of negative comments on these blogs towards poor service or company's not living up to their promises.

So just thought I'd give a rap to my local camping store Anaconda (Newcastle). I was wondering the aisles just looking at the camping stuff when I came across an item that I thought would come in handing on our upcoming camping trips, as it was over a $100 I thought I would do a internet search to see if there was a cheaper one advertised elsewhere. Sure enough I found the same item at another camping store some 400k's away at a cheaper price. So I though I will try Anaconda's price match plus 10% policy out.

Well after the staff done a verification check they beat the other price plus added the 10% with no fuss.  To me that's $40+ in my pocket, YIPEEE, free money.

So not all stores are out to entice customers with bogus promotions .


NOTE: why did I not support the cheaper store even though they had free shipping, mainly due to warranty issues if you have a problem with the item it's easier to deal face to face than over the internet, also I like the extra 10% 

 Well done.

bcf in my area had 20% off the whole store for a few hours. item cost $150.paid $120. well done bcf. In december going through gympie we needed gas. $16.50 For 9 kg. They had a 2 day special too. Sometimes u can b in the right place at the right time.



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I've had same with Officeworks and Bunnings on price matching.

The ironic part about Bunnings was that they were competing with themselves. My default store was Sunbury from my previous address. I printed off everything I wanted (large shelving system for my garage), costed it up and then went down to the Ballarat store and noticed that the prices were all different. Difference between a Metro store & a Country store. Bunnings Ballarat sold me all my kit at Sunbury (metro) prices.


Centrelink - Living the Dream.


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Blues Man wrote:

Found a $20 note once , does that count.smilesmile

 I can up that.


I once found a $100 note.


On a hot day I was mucking about on Little Sahara sand hill on Kangaroo Is with SWMBO waiting in the car.

When walking back with a lovely young fellow tourist I drew her attention to a $100 note lying in the centre of the track.  Being much quicker than me she stooped down & snapped it up.

A discussion ensued about splitting it or spending it at a meal that evening. Being the nice guy that I am, I gave it all to her.

SWMBO was a bit suspicious about what had gone on up on the sand hill when I told her the tale.


In the spirit of the OP, I've got to give a plug for my local bottle shop.  On my visit there today they had one of my favourite tipples on special at 2 for $23.  I was charged only $9.95 for one as per the shelf ticket. This represents a saving of over 10%.  Good on yer Dan!


See Ya ... Cupie


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"A penny saved is a penny earned" goes the old saying. Great I thought! I could make a living out of this concept, if I can just "earn" enough pennies I'll never need to work again! So I immediately set about buying every discounted thing I could lay my hands on and after a good while I added up all the "savings" I'd earned. Oddly enough, I found I still had less money than I started with and a lot of stuff I never really needed - Now I know I went wrong somewhere, but...worry.gif

(I really do love a bargain, truly I do.. clap.gif)




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts



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Came home today and told the missus I'd just saved $150. Talked $250 down to $100. Wow, how did you save that much? Just convinced the cop to reduce my speeding ticket to a few kph less.


Centrelink - Living the Dream.


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Posts: 1840

Blues Man wrote:

Found a $20 note once , does that count.smilesmile

 Strangely I've found two $50 notes in the past six months.

First one at Christmas time on our morning walk, it was laying in the gutter probably dropped by a drunk walking home from the pub the night previous. Thank you. smile

The second one just a few weeks ago blowing around in the large car park outside our local BCF store. Thank you. smile

Has anyone noticed how slippery the recently released notes are? confuse


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.



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Yes i have , and that's why hopefully we will find a lot


Blues man.

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