Went to the Adelaide caravan show today. The cost of entry, parking and lunch added up to a small fortune. Got out with just a couple of hose bags, so not bad. Looked at so many vans of all descriptions. What really stood out was that nothing stood out. Really, all vans just looked the same inside, just repeating a few layouts. Can't say I am a fan of this years vans. They all have the look of shiny flatpack, which cheapens the overall look. So many had obvious faults like cupboard doors not shutting or opening correctly and trim hanging off. I can't understand how these places expect to sell when openly showing their lack of pride in their products. Got to see and understand how some of the cheap??? end of vans cut corners with their build. So glad I have my van as I would have had such a hard time picking the right one out of what I saw today. Lots of diesel heaters in the show vans this year. Many seem to follow the same stupid idea of putting water pipes and cables up through the middle of a shelf, making the shelf unusable, putting the heater in the middle of the under bed space, which is at a premium in those with tunnel boots there. But I had an enjoyable day.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Yep, it's all a bit plastic these days at shows. We have a chuckle when a salesman asks us if we're ''entry level'' (under 20ft) buyers or ''prestige'' (over 20ft) buyers.
We bought our one & only caravan (17ft) 6 years ago & we're keeping it until it falls apart. Guess we must be destined to be stuck at ''entry level'' forever.
New caravans look cold, sterile & cheap to us.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Saturday 17th of February 2018 09:04:23 AM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Hope you guys are feeling fit. I had a look in nearly all the vans, and motor homes at the Adelaide one. It's an awful lot of exercise walking up and down all those steps. I wonder how many k's you end up walking over the course of the day?. I must say I slept well that night.
Cheers John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Went to the Newcastle Show last Sunday with the idea of buying a Porta Potti, Recovery Kit (Snatch Strap etc) and ... cant remember.
Porta Potti was $50.00 dollars dearer than BCF, as was the Recovery Kit, the ... now I remember, matrix tracks, were $40.00 dearer. So off to BCF. It wont be any cheaper than the Show cause I'll probably buy a new real, lures, rods ect.
Now, as for vans, I have a 1992 Roadstar and I would not swap it for any new van out there today. I looked at a new van around the 60k price and the fold up table could have be used as a boomerang it was that deformed. I pointed it out to the salesman and it went straight over his head. The rest of the vans (home unites on wheels) all looked the same, only difference were the colours, single or double beds.
Hendo you are spot on we are doing our due dillagence at the moment with regards to pricing ot accessories that we are interested in getting, will probably end up back at bcf too .
Meetoo I dont want to think about how far I will have to walk thanks all the same
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Redcliffe caravan, boats & camping show on Friday just north of Brisbane Qld.
My 2012 2nd hand clearance sale Concept cheapie will be with me for a long time yet.
I liked the way most manufacturers are offering free up grades on the weight issue for their caravans, some going as high as 600 kg extra pay load. Will I be nothing rides in my caravan and I get paid for it, everything rides for free.
I did 7000 plus steps walking and 5 kilometres, I wear a samsung gearfit trying to get bit fit.
We went to the Adelaide C&C show Friday.
Entry and parking fees go up, took a packed lunch to save a little bit.
Most of the vans do look similar and some even more chinsey and flimsey.
Seems to be more and more vans and trailers and less and less of the accessories and interesting things.
Bought a few bits, but nothing exciting. Probably would have been heaps cheaper to stay at home, and shop local.
Don't think we will bother any more.