Hi folks, and those that have had input to my dilemmas. I have really enjoyed these few days away. All the work I have done on the van has performed flawlessly. Normally there are unforeseen difficulties arising from my work!!!
I really needed the rest so I am appreciative of the van sparing me difficulties.
The water tank changing working great, and the genset on rear bumper has improved the weight distribution somewhat. The 12 volt system is now more fully understood and the genset has only been used for coffee, a few minutes microwaving, and a couple of hours aircon on the 30 degree day. Getting rid of the Setec and installing a fuse block as well as the 240v charger has improved the 12v system.
Van is shaded from afternoon sun but batteries floating by midday. I have been using the humidifier on the CPAP machine. The new Kogan TV uses a lot less power than the Shere, so I am glad it carked it.
I now understand that it takes quite some time and power to get the batteries REALLY topped up when not driving!!!!
We will have had 7 days and 6 nights away and the water is still ok and as I said genset for coffee and microwave and aircon.
I just hope that mine goes as well when I try it out at Harpers Creek ECO in a few weeks.
(I'll probably be providing back up showering facilities for my Daughter, SIL & two grandkids. But they have two large water tanks, a mobile grey water tank & a 2kva gene if I run into trouble)
Paul, I believe I read something not so long ago about what you found wrong with your van (placement of water tanks) & that you were not at all happy as you were limited physically.
There is no doubt about it but buying the not so perfect caravan certainly brings out the best in us - with good advice from other forum members, skills we didn't know we had, etc.
Good on you Paul for overcoming a nightmare & having something that now both of you can enjoy.
I might see you one day - we travel through your home town on our way to see our daughter at Warrnambool.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Paul, I believe I read something not so long ago about what you found wrong with your van (placement of water tanks) & that you were not at all happy as you were limited physically.
There is no doubt about it but buying the not so perfect caravan certainly brings out the best in us - with good advice from other forum members, skills we didn't know we had, etc.
Good on you Paul for overcoming a nightmare & having something that now both of you can enjoy.
I might see you one day - we travel through your home town on our way to see our daughter at Warrnambool.
So true Warren, and thanks. Maybe we will catch up one day. Warnambool is a lovely place. Used to holiday there with family back in the late 50s early 60s.
The rig is handling ok for the moment so we can enjoy a few trips while coming up with the correct scenario for us. If I don't take as much "stuff" as I do now I will probaly be legal. This trip was to rest and NOT to work on the van, and I did that. Didn't use any of the "stuff".