Great day in sunny Tasmania standing at the 'Edge of the World'! Hoping there are some Grey Nomad travellers over here to join in with? A bit tired of winning all the card games myself. Even the fish seem to have left for the mainland already! Say Hi if your over here, may even grab a bite to eat along the way somewhere? Gwynnie
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Seeing that you are in Tassie, have you thought about going to the Evandale Penny Farthing Races on 24th February. We went a few years back when over there and thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was something different that we hadn't seen before. Cheers.
Seeing that you are in Tassie, have you thought about going to the Evandale Penny Farthing Races on 24th February. We went a few years back when over there and thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was something different that we hadn't seen before. Cheers.
Evandale Penny Fathing bike races !!! was there in 2012, What a great day & Great place. What year were You there Gail?
Enjoy Tas. Gwynnie surprising how long it takes to travel there, (must be too much to see).
A big thanks to everyone for your replies. Thought about the Evandale races but want to head into the National Parks to do some camping and fishing instead. Will watch out for fellow travellers down here on the Apple Isle....... Gwynnie
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Thanks for the heads up about freshwater fishing Blaze. I am a 'beach girl' at heart and fishing for sand whiting is my love. But have not been too successful at it yet....However I will keep trying.... Gwynnie
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz