Hi, just a little story regarding caravan covers. Over a period of 6 years, I have purchased 4 covers for my van, an average of 18 months usage before replacement was required. I thought that was reasonable. They ranged in price from $129 to $179 each on E-bay. All covers were constructed from 4 layer polypropylene, kept the water out, and otherwise performed well for items in that price range. No complaints from me.
Recently I purchased a 300 D Polyester cover from BIT-DEALS on E-bay. It was described as having a 100% waterproof roof panel and water resistant side panels. That corresponds with alternative covers on the market for a price of $179, but had an additional incentive of 3 years warranty so I bought one. After fitting it I was somewhat disappointed to find the manufacturers apparently don't know that caravans have roll up awnings attached, and the width has not been allowed for, however if fitted carefully it will just do. Unfortunately, that night we received a slight rain drizzle and in the morning the van was wet. I enlisted help from friends to check for water exclusion properties, and found a seam down the roof panel allowing water to enter freely. On contacting BIT-DEALS I received no answer. After numerous additional approaches, An answer was forthcoming stating, "Waterproof. Impossible. Can't leak" I offered to provide Photo, Video, and Eye witness evidence of correct fitting and proof of water pouring in. I was ignored again. After 4 more attempts to open a dialogue with BIT-DEALS a response arrived stating, and i quote; "We told you already that roof is waterproof. Can't leak. If water getting in, is only from sides. ALSO SINCE THE PRODUCT WAS USED IT CANNOT BE RETURNED TO US PER PAY PAL T&C HAS TO BE RETURNED IN SAME WAY YOU RECEIVED IT, THAT MEANS BRAND NEW NOT USE,IS SAME SEALED BAG" It was tried out for ONE day, it failed and was removed. I wonder how an item is tested if it has to remain sealed up in its' packaging. How's that for a 3 year warranty. I advise extreme caution If any Grey Nomads are contemplating going the same road as myself.
I would still report it to PayPal if that is how you paid.
They can be extremely helpful and I would not have a seller dictate the PayPal terms to me.
Unfit for purpose and goods not as described come immediately to mind.
Oh and by the way, welcome to the forum.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
Had to do this once, call EBAY and tell them the problem, thy contact PayPal to stop payment and hold till the complaint is sorted out , i also told company i was not paying return postage be cause the product was not what i was told it was , i was payed out in full, never heard back from any one about returning goods
you get what you pay for, a cheap cover is a poorly made piece of garbage from my experience,I bit the bullet and bought a custom made cover from cover world,there expensive but the quality is fabulous...
Like others above, I had an issue with a supplier who openly said I would have to wait to get my money back.
I contacted PayPal with the details and had the refund back into my bank account within half an hour.
Those eBay suppliers can be easily removed from the service if they do not comply to eBay rules and for many it is their only shop front so they suffer considerably if refused access.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
It does say, in bold, to measure your van and to check it is less than the quoted sizes? Just curious if your van with awning, is less than the quoted sizes?
..... in another section of ad, it says "...Full cut to allow room for ladders, air conditioners, etc.." implies to me that there would be extra slack to cover such items, including a awning ???
I hope the OP comes back on and informs us of the outcome.
As PeterX mentioned above, the eBay supplier is quite a well established seller and I would not think that the case above should pose much of a problem for refund or replacement.
It is early days since his post so I guess time will tell.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
Hi. Thank you to all those who answered my letter regarding a leaking caravan cover purchased from BIT-DEALS on E-bay. At the time of writing, I had already posted a complaint to PayPal. The issue was escalated and subsequently assessed in my favor and my money returned. I have now requested PayPal recover the return freight.
I had also reported BIT-DEALS to N.S.W. Fair Trading and supplied photo and eye witness evidence along with all correspondence between the seller and myself. Fair Trading reviewed my correspondence, telephoned me for further information, and have taken action against BIT-DEALS. The transaction between the trader and myself is now finalized, but the authorities are determined to pursue the matter.
As BIT-DEALS is based in Victoria, and our business was conducted in N.S.W. Fair Trading is going to refer the case to Vic. Consumer Affairs, and so am I. I have found numerous reports of warranty being totally dismissed by these people, and as the Fair Trading spokesman mentioned, if nobody bothers to bring the complaint to their attention, they are powerless to investigate.
This is Australia, with laws to protect the honest population from the would be unscrupulous, and those laws should not be flouted. Once again I strongly advise all potential buyers to be acutely skeptical of warranties offered by some traders.
By the way, the ridiculous sounding name I,m using is merely my own name spelled backwards.
Hello Dicko.
I hope that's the correct way to address you. I am completely new to any forum, so am feeling my way. PayPal has just advised me that my return freight costs will also be refunded. I am still referring the trader to Consumer Affairs, as I know many people have been [in my view] swindled by this firm reneging on promised warranty. I realize I may appear to be over reacting to a transgression regarding such a small transaction, but as the Fair Trading representative said, "If nobody complains, the crooks continue to get away with it" The most common reaction from buyers when summarily dismissed on legitimate warranty claims, is to withdraw saying "What can you do". Wrong move I say.
Thank you for your interest - Bill