We would very much like to ship our (motor)home from south america to Australia. Does any one know the rules and legal procedures or maybe a web page to check the facts. We are looking at a temporary import, for a year or two.....time to visit your country. Our van has USA registration and we had no problems so far crossing all the countries in Central and South America. Thank you for your help and suggestions! Saludos
There are ways and means of doing this temporarily. Was involved on the fringes of bringing in Left-Hand drive cars for evaluation in the 1980-90s. Cannot remember how long the vehicles were allowed here but the main issue with LHD vehicles was always the headlights. Had to put a small patch of tape on them so on low beam they are not shining into the on-coming vehicle. Poms going to Europe and vice-versa is always a problem with lights.
We would very much like to ship our (motor)home from south america to Australia. Does any one know the rules and legal procedures or maybe a web page to check the facts. We are looking at a temporary import, for a year or two.....time to visit your country. Our van has USA registration and we had no problems so far crossing all the countries in Central and South America. Thank you for your help and suggestions! Saludos
I think you can get a permit to drive a LHD vehicle in Australia so that should be ok.
To register your motorhome here you need to watch dimensions. Our maximum allowable overhang is 60% of the wheelbase and our maximum width is 2.5 metres inc awning. You will also have the 110V electrics problem where we use 240V in Australia. Converters are now illegal here.
You canāt just import . First make sure your have certificate to unload off vessel !! Or it could costs you a fortune . I have imported a few grey vehicles from Japan . Best ask here https://infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/imports/ or go through a local importer . Getting compliance to register etc .
I think Andrea is talking about just bring something in temporarily for a trip and then taking it back again rather than importing on a permanent basis.
I saw some LHD US registered trucks / motorhomes at Lake Gairdner last year carting race cars. So it is possible. They did have all sorts of stickers all over them.
Last time I checked it was a limited cert . Like US military etc . US vehicles can be wider than here so be aware !! You donāt want to go to the trouble of having traffic control, pilot vehicle . If thereās a business here that sell similar product ? Good luck ! The compliance rules have changed the last few years !! Importing is one thing . Driving it legally on our roads is another . Headlights . Doors on left etc . Fed laws override state in this case also !!
You need to get a carnet. A search will tell you how to go about that. I think there may be a 1 year time limit, but it may also be extendable.
The hardest part will be to satisfy the Australian bio security requirements. They are VERY strict. The vehicle and everything in it will need to be "new" clean. Anything that resembles dirt or may harbour seeds either inside or out will be cleaned professionally, at your great cost if the vehicle does not pass its first inspection.
Lots of international visitors bring motorhomes in all the time......
I am not sure you will be able ship direct from South America to Australia, but you have probably checked that. This company www.grimaldi.napoli.it/en/index.html is a RORO and is unique in that the owners can travel with their vehicle. Check their routes.
Thank you so much for your help. We are a bit slow answering, due to our actual travels and rather poor internet coverage in South America. The page you suggested is very helpfull, Thank you!
Yesssss, definitly need to do some homework....not that easy, even on a temporary basis. And one year seems kind of short to visit Australia....will keep you posted on our progress. And again thanks to all your nice imput.