Ok all you lot, how the h*ll do you stop your Sat Nav from not staying stuck on the window. I've tried alco rubs, window cleaner etc but the B thing still falls of after an hour or so.
3M do some one sided clear discs. I use one just larger than the sucker on the GPS. Sticks well to the glass and the suction cup sticks better than to the windscreen. Problem is I bought a pack of them a few years ago at Masters.
Sometimes the suction cups just die from heat. If you've tried everything to no avail and don't want to buy a new mount... or it's not available... you could always silicone it to the glass. Whilst you are going to give the mount one last chance at life, silicone is able to be removed from glass given a small amount of Armstrong. Just an idea... it can be dangerous when they fall off!
I understand the major problem is, that these things lose their grip, when the hot weather expands the windscreen glass.... the sucker doesn't like that one bit so it loses its grip and smashes to the floor between your legs, and gets caught under your brake peddle lol..
I use a bit of spit on my finger and wipe it in a circular cleaning motion but then it isn't on for long because when I park I take it off and put it under my seat just in case some yobbo is tempted to break my side window to get it. They are not worth so much these days, I remember one I got for my 60th from the kids 10 years ago cost $600 I cant remember what the one I have now would cost but you would get some yobbos that would break your window to steal the small change you might have in your car so no need tempting them.
To err is human but to really mess things up, you need a computer.