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clothing optional sites.
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Got to say - 1240 views, 59 replies in 2 days has got to be a record. Alan well done got em all worked up. My motto is "life is short, play naked"



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Thanks Hendo -- where on the coast are you??

must admit I wasn't trying to create a record but if its got people interested that's good .... Might look at

another subject Im interested in, for single dispossessed separated men who've had their houses taken off them!  Probably many have  been forced to hand their house over, been forced to live in a caravan, and had their kids stolen from them fact I know its true! 





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newslug wrote:


another subject Im interested in, for single dispossessed separated men who've had their houses taken off them!  Probably many have  been forced to hand their house over, been forced to live in a caravan, and had their kids stolen from them fact I know its true! 




Lots of things are true newslug, and there are always 2 sides to every story. 

I reckon this thread is being steered towards bad feeling - that is not what this forum is for IMHO.


Good Luck.



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hako wrote:
I reckon this thread is being steered towards bad feeling - that is not what this forum is for IMHO.

 I did not read Slug's comment as taking this thread off course. I read it more as a new thread was being contemplated.


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Thanks PeterD -- and a new thread/subject is now up and running! dispossessed men in caravans ( or similar)


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Mate, as far as clothing optional sites are concerned there are very few indeed for a continent of this size. There is a setting on Wikicamps to look for clothing optional sites and it's worth a try. As for cheap ones, sadly the place I overwintered in 2016 in the Whitsundays has gone textile - it was, and I believe still is, $100 for a powered site for the week and has a great pool and rec room. Search for Taylorwood.


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plodnalong! Wow!~  That's very reasonable for a powered site for a week!  Many thanks for that information!  I have heard of Taylorwood --but had not heard it had gone textile. That's sad LOL  

Mate many thanks for your response to the subject --- maybe we will catch up on the road somewhere!


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Not something I have personally considered and I tend to avoid busy places as much as I can.
That said, next time I'm bush camping on my own, I'm gonna give it a crackbiggrin  pun maybe intended.

I guess worse comes to worst, I may get bitten in some odd places by mozzies but if it induces swelling, I may be ok with that.

To be honest Im a little surprised at some of the responses.

I thought as we got older we got more accepting or at least understanding of others approaches to life, even if we don't agree with it, especially where there is no impact to oneself.

Naked up all you want NS I couldn't care less yawn


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Thanks Denmonkey...Glad you're at least willing to try it! You never know you might like it and become one of australias 300k+ nudists!
I live near Birdie beach ( legal nude beach).. A great beach, but Im single - new to the area - and know no one -- sitting on a beach on your own -- clothed or naked can get a bit ordinary and dull ... so if you're inclined maybe we could head down there together sometime.



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It's so sad to read the incredible negativity of some people towards naturism. If we were in Europe there would not be one negative comment, as the lifestyle there is well respected. Aussies with their idiotic comments leave me shaking my head. Grow up, people.



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 If we accidentally came across one these places I dont know weather we would laugh or try to get out as fast as possible,probably do both.biggrin Each to there own eh...



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if a male don't go to sleep lying on your back, most likely require a trip to the doctor



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I am not for, or against, clothes optional camps

I suppose that it would be a cheaper way to travel, for those who do not have many clothes

I will point out that clothes option places, in my opinion (so I could be wrong), could be a danger to society

I shall give one example

In the early 1960's in England, there was, a clothes optional colony, near an underground colliery

As the double decker bus would come out of the colliery gate taking the miners home, and make a right hand turn, nearly all the miners from the lowewr deck, would run upstairs and crowd on the left hand side of the bus, to look down at the clothes optional people.

If the poor old driver and conductor, had not leaned to lean to the far right, while making that downhill right turn, the bus could have overturned.

Just in case anyone is thinking that I was a pervert in my younger years, I will state that I was never one of the miners, who ran up the stairs

No Sir, back in the day, I was a practicing young gentleman

I always stayed in my seat, in the front of the bus

smile Upstairs on the left hand side smile



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So tony - you're blaming the nudists for the perverted minds of the miners on a bus????? so who's the danger here, the nudists going about their business. or the perverts on the bus rushing up stairs to gawk and the nudists????? I know who's side I'd rather be on.... Maybe you should have got off the bus and joined the nudists. The bus would then probably have overturned -- You'd be safe, and the gawkers would have learned their lesson.


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Ron D .... whether you stay, laugh or run and hide, is of little concern to anyone - only  YOU have to answer your question "Why am I so silly about the human body in this day and age".. purile silly minds are whats NOT needed within the nudist community.




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If you like running around with your gear off with like minded individuals to me thats sick,to a very very small minority thats there thing,I sincerely believe most people would find It confronting, Iam not going to comment on this post anymore or I will probably go too far with my comments ....

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