Was camped at a free camp near Armidale NSW, went for a walk down to the dam wall - as we approached a middle aged man stood up from the rocks, very, very tanned, and stark naked - he was brown all over - we nodded, and turned to walk on but I had to have one last look - of course!
We were also invited to a nudist caravan park in WA one time, but we don't think the world is ready for our old bodies.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
In the process of writing a story, before its submitted for editing and potentially, later publishing... the writer has to give the story a "name" which will attract the editor .. for example ..."thief arrested" or "second coming" or "bank robbery"
This "name" is called a "newslug"
As a journo I decided in a hurry to call myself newslug,
It has nothing to do with a potential bodily transplant!!! Honest!
Real nudists don't look upon your body as something to be judged - they are more interested in the person and the character of that person. Sadly there are a few who are twisted and in the nudist community for cheap jolleys ... but then, there are twisted people who are clothed as well....
One comes to mined, Cable Beach Broom WA in 2008 where they stood facing all to see, with a can of beer in one hand and the other on the hip.Great way to promote the area Just great for folks traveling along the beach with their kids in tow.
We did see one posing with rod in one hand and feeling with the other for a nibble. I think he was hoping for a Groper.
Some call them Exhibitionists. The Coppers use another name.
They tend to get a little upset when us bird watchers come along with our cameras, telescopes & binoculars.
Particularly on nudist beaches where migrant shorebirds tend to gather in Summer.
It's their choice to go naked, so be it. We're not interested in looking at them (seen one seen them all) , just the birds. Eastern Curlew taken on a nudist beach Casuarina Coastal Reserve, Darwin.
We're nature lovers as well but we don't feel the need to get our kit off to enjoy the natural environment. Each to their own.
Hi, I think it is a fair question, he obviously likes caravaning or camping and also likes to go nude. Big deal, no need to be rude at all. Newslug, you will find lots of places in the TAN magazine, many of them on the eastern side of Oz. Most tend to be campgrounds or resorts that allow camping. Many of them are not on Wiki.
Hey Steve Thanks. I have a feeling many would be surprised to discover how many caravanners are also naturists --- but because they like to get '
out of the way and not offend, the mainstream caravanners don't know they even exist ... All they have to do is look at bumper stickers = the
ANF ( Australian nudist Federation) has a very distinctive yellow and green sticker ... Running Bares -- a naturist club in north western nsw has a little bear with a cork hat and a bag over his shoulder -- theres heaps of them --- then there is the gay nomads - a sub - group of Grey Nomads.. many of whom like to also get their kit off where possible.........
The question is a perfectly reasonable and correctly forum targeted one to pose.
I can't help with info on sites I'm afraid but I do agree with you on the joy of nakedness especially in the bush - except when it's cold :)
I usually rough camp deep into 4WD country in the High Country of Victoria invariably beside a river (I'm leaving again today) and it is a magical experience to swim naked in a mountain river.
About 30 years ago my wife, I and our children were sitting on a crowded beach in the south of France when two French couples aged around 65 arrived and pitched their towels next to us. After a few minutes both women removed the bra half of their costume and went topless as were most other women on the beach. I thought it wonderful that two women of their age and physique felt confident and safe enough to do that.
Nudity is not something to be s******ed at, it's a very natural state.
-- Edited by Mike Harding on Saturday 3rd of February 2018 07:55:30 AM
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Im wondering if there are any clothing optional free/inexpensive sites?
Maybe for someone with land, say beside a river/creek/dam/beach it could be a great investment to provide very basic facilities to make a few dollars for little cost, because there is a huge and growing market.
any suggestions????
cheers newslug
Bit hard to ask and not even have a State in mind......
Yep A mate runs one in the NT. Not my thing but it is seasonal. He fills the caravan park every year.
dieseltojo - thanks for your reply ( sorry about my spelling) .... your mate in the NT is proving my point about naturism being hugely popular - and, I might add a GREAT income spinner for local economies!