Im wondering if there are any clothing optional free/inexpensive sites?
Maybe for someone with land, say beside a river/creek/dam/beach it could be a great investment to provide very basic facilities to make a few dollars for little cost, because there is a huge and growing market.
Desert Dweller Its not about "showing off" anything...its about enjoying nature as nature intended --- and respecting others who dont care to ... as as naturists would enjoy others to respect them...
-- Edited by newslug on Friday 2nd of February 2018 08:05:18 AM
I would suggest that if you are a genuine nudist that you join such forums and find out for yourself, you have got the response that you expected, This is a general Caravanning Forum for like minded people, I suggest that you look at nudist forums for people who like caravanning. Cheers watch of for bull ants.
-- Edited by Kebbin on Friday 2nd of February 2018 09:29:42 AM
this is a general forum Agreed! "general" would indicate that pretty much anything can be discussed. I chose to discuss naturism and tourism. the two are not mutually exclusive... and no one is suggesting it should be enforced! But did you know, that around 5 years ago there were more than 800 thousand registered Naturists in Australia??? Lord only knows how many others there are who don't publicly identify as naturists -- or who aren't members of clubs, or who aren't members of the Australian Nudist Federation .... or who live next door to you!!!!...
I respect your desire to remain clothed - I would hope that you would respect my right to shed clothes where possible and where its not impacting on others. I dont care that you find it unsavoury.. that's your problem, not mine...
All I did was ask a simple question. I did not ask for your negativity.... and be assured I wont be influenced by your negativity!
As for being told I shouldnt be canvassing this subject in a general forum which provides for specific subjects .. you saw the subject matter
AND you chose to come in and take a look .... hmmmm such is your voyeristic character -- you couldnt avoid it could you? the temptation was just too strong! LOL I hope the you got your jollys.....
Now ... returning to the subject ---- Google Nudist camping, or clothing optional farm stays, or clothing optional beaches --- suddenly I feel "normal"
Please - again, show a bit of respect to your fellow travellers..
Hi Peter and Margaret -- how pleasant to receive a positive comment to my post!
I like people who have respect and common sense -
Safe travels -- if that's your rig in the pic, It looks terrific!
Newslug, if you read the responses you have received so far, I think only one comment might be considered a bit 'negative' - that comment was YUK - although I see that as a comment one might make if one stumbled on a beach covered with 'natural' over-60s bodies.
Other than that, I think the responses have simply been responses expressing their opinion ... exactly as you are doing. It is just that the responders are not as accepting of 'nature' as yourself.
And whilst understanding Peter's response ... I fail to see that any response has been from a "low life" or indeed was "unfriendly" ... there has just been no shared enthusiasm for "naturism" as shown by Newslug.
Cheers - and make sure you use PLENTY of sunscreen - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Hi all, This is a topic that some may find of interest (and some may not). I would ask everyone to show respect of each other's views. If you have a suggestion or viewpoint on this issue, please ensure that you address the topic and not the person who posted it. Thanks for your cooperation.
I believe there is such a venue near Gingin Qld where the 20 Acre property backs onto the Burnett River. Read about it on Facebook but don't have any more info.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Rockylizard - thanks for your comment - appreciate what you're saying, but I think my question was a legitimate one - all that was needed by anyone was a response to the subject matter itself, not a personal expression of distaste, lack of desire to be naked or implied suggestion that my question was necessarily a representation of my character...
I can see the humour of some saying "yuk" Heck we all suffer the consequences of too much grazing in a good paddock, and the impacts of gravity... and while I can see the humour it has nothing to do with the actual subject of 'clothing optional sites' .