This old lady had lived at the head of the bight at the bottom of Australia for many years, her only companion was Thomas her cat. Each day they would climb down the path in the cliffs to the beach & walk up and back, beach combing for anything washed up over night. This was a daily event as sometimes logs of timber & lengths of wood would wash up from passing freighters. he would collect these for fire wood & building furniture as she needed it. This day as they were walking along the beach, she could hear this faint voice, "Help, help, help." She looked out to sea, no. Up & down the beach, no. As she walked on the voice got softer. On the way back, she could hear it again. When it was loudest, she stopped to investigate, at last she could see the bottom of a green bottle buried in the sand & only the glass bottom was visible. She squatted down & dug around the bottle until she had it out & in her hand. The voice was quite clear now. She immediately knew what she had found, she rushed up the cliff track, into the house with old Thomas right by her side. She shut all the doors, barred all the windows & took the bottle to her bedroom. Thomas by this time knew something was going to happen & he didn't want anything to do with it so he hid under the bed. Well the old lady worked at the bottle top for ages before she could get it loose, until it finally popped out, & so did the Genie. He told her that he had been in there for hundreds of years & all that stuff & that he would grant her a wish. She looked the Genie up & down with a glint in her eyes, clasped her hands together & winked at him. He said, "Forget it lady, we are all Eunics." She said, well in that case, I would like my old tomcat Thomas changed into a lovely young 45 year old with lovely dark brown hair, well built, dressed in lovely clothes, and very,,,, well friendly. Done said the Genie, so she reached under the bed & dragged Thomas out & the Genie snapped his fingers, Poof, the Genie was gone & there was Thomas, all fine & handsome. She looked at him & ooohhh what a man. She said, Oh Thomas, come here to me, make me a happy old lady." Thomas said, "Well lady, I bet you're sorry now that you had me fixed when I was just a little kitty huh."