I am considering a Kings rear drawer for my Isuzu MUX. This drawer kit comes with a fridge slide but I can't work out how I would mount my Waeco CF35 to it.
I am happy with the fridge and don't need to upgrade at this stage because our camper has a fridge. The CF35 has recesses that allow the user to lift it.but no handles (The larger model fridges come with handles.)
Has anybody drilled into the plastic to mount a handle? where would the drill holes go?
Has it got rubber feet?, if so either unscrew and mount to body or use longer bolts through the feet. May have to drill new holes into slide. Would recommend stainless or plated H>T> Bolts
There is a fixing kit available for CF 25 thru CF 60, $100 on eBay. According to BCF and other web sites the 35 has screw on handles. I have both a 25 and a 40, the 25s handles are recessed, the 40 has screw on handles, are you sure it's not a CF25?