The Caravan Council of Australia web-site - - has had all caravan and camper-trailer docs up-dated.
This includes the independent informative docs, freely available under "Technical Articles" on the home-page.
An extremely-helpful new doc - for buyers, before they take possession of a new 'van - under "Technical Articles", is a highly-detailed "Pre-Delivery Check-List".
While it may not be practical to check and confirm every item, being able to "tick as many boxes as possible", will certainly go a long way to best-ensuring that there are no major short-comings or issues that would inevitably lead to serious problems, dissatisfaction and complaints.
Clearly, the No:1 issue with 'vans and camper-trailers - and by far the main reason for complaints and litigation - concerns "Ratings & Masses".
There is much trouble-some mis-understanding and confusion about the Definitions of the relevant terms especially "Tare Mass".
While there is an (admittedly vague, and not completely applicable to 'vans and camper-trailers) Definition of "Tare Mass" - in relation to Compliance - in VSB-1, in relation to Consumers (and the Australian Consumer Law), the "Tare Mass" that really matters, is the "mass of the vehicle - without any consumables (water, gas, etc.) - when it leaves the Supplier, fitted with all items that were specified on the Sales Contract".
It is that (empty) mass which determines the "Legal Load-Carrying Capacity" of the vehicle: LL-CC = ATM Rating minus Tare Mass
An easy-to-understand "Ratings & Masses" doc - that explains the various terms - is available under "COMPLIANCE".
The popular "4-Part Buyer-Assist" doc - Evaluation / Comparison / Contract / Inspection - under "RV BUYERS", has been up-dated.