Most West Aussies would be familiar with the horrors of the IOD - This is a interesting article particularly as I have suffered a series of idiots on it.
hey Neale Prior if your that scared to drive maybe your the one at risk on the road hand in you licence and stay off the road no one will care your a pussy
Thank goodness my big 4wd is a silver ranger not a white one .I did the IOD on Wednesday it was a long drive with plenty of traffic both ways. I sat on cruise control at 109 or bit less dependent on the number of cars infront as passing up to 8 tail gating cars was out of the question. My gripe was the 3 white buzz boxes that couldn,t sit on a constant speed ,all had the road holding to take any corner from Wanneroo to Brand highway at the legal 110 but up comes a corner and down to 103ks then back to 110 .
I tend to agree with the bloke, we live in Mandurah about 70 k's south of Perth and I can assure you, every time we have to drive the freeways north it's a nightmare.
If it's not arrogant "I want to get in front of you" drivers it's tail gaters or 3 lane dodgers trying to gain that one space ahead of anyone else !
Every trip there seems to be one or maybe more near misses, I shake my head in disbelief sometimes and one of my next purchases is going to a be a dashcam as it's inevitable that it will happen one day.
And as for the arrogant gits in car parks, mainly young women it seems love to park their suv's so close it's either a dent or scratch just to try and get in your car. Then there's the supermarket trolley brigade that leave their trolley next to your car rather than walk 6 paces to place it where it belongs, sheesh I steam just thinking about it, think I'll go and lie down
We and try and avoid the IOD because of crazy foreign drivers, lunatic P platers and generally slow caravanners. We witnessed one last week which nearly had me in fits of laughter, a medium sized van been towed at the seriously fast speed of 77kph with bill & Mabel UHF 17 on the back. It was crazy as just about every car with an UHF tried to call them to get them pull over as they had a huge line of traffic behind them. Yep you guessed it no response and then when we get to the limited over taking lanes and what does bill do, he speeds up OMG, how to give vanners a bad name. The banter over th UHF was brilliant with many suggesting that Bill was driving because there might be rain next month.
All jokes aside the number of idiots out and about particularly on the IOD is insane.
The author of the article must also be colour blind as the SUV photo in the article is red not white.
That apart, I find the older I get the less I worry about IODs - I see them and take care to avoid them, but basically just try to blend in with the flow. They will always be there as it's just human nature and all the tea in China will not stop them. We've all done stupid things.
The author of the article must also be colour blind as the SUV photo in the article is red not white. That apart, I find the older I get the less I worry about IODs - I see them and take care to avoid them, but basically just try to blend in with the flow. They will always be there as it's just human nature and all the tea in China will not stop them. We've all done stupid things.
Good Luck.
hako the IOD is the Indian Ocean Drive in WA which has become notorious in the last couple of years for serious accidents
The author of the article must also be colour blind as the SUV photo in the article is red not white. That apart, I find the older I get the less I worry about IODs - I see them and take care to avoid them, but basically just try to blend in with the flow. They will always be there as it's just human nature and all the tea in China will not stop them. We've all done stupid things.
Good Luck.
hako the IOD is the Indian Ocean Drive in WA which has become notorious in the last couple of years for serious accidents
Thanks for that - when I read acronym IOD my brain translated it to IDIOT....shows who's the idiot eh!