The CEO and I are heading off in Aprill next year for 6,7,8 months. got a problem the road between Omeo and Corryong ?. Its been probably 500 years since I've been on it and dammed if I can remember if I can take the van through there. I know I'm good for about 40k's past Benambra ( from memory ) but the rest is a blank. thanks in advance.
Not recommended for a van Bass. The road is also well known for lots of fallen trees blocking it. We have friends in Corryong who travel this road a lot.
Thanks guys, leaves me with 2 choices I guess, Omeo --Talangatta or Omeo --Bright-- Talangatta. DD I'm almost " a hero " LOL. Corryong follow the Murray to the Barrossa, back to the Flinders, Marree, then Roxby downs, play around the centre for ?? (time ) then up to Mataranka turn right Lorrella springs, Gregory downs, Adels, Wiepa then loyalty beach at the top, Lakeland NP. Cooktown, Daintree ( just kidding not even with this new van ) then wander home somehow. That's the plan at this stage.
Ooroo, Bass
Some people take the Great Alpine Road between Omeo & Bright towing their caravans.
We recently drove it with just our car & experienced the hundreds of hairpin bends, blind corners, steep grades, narrow sections & thousand foot drops over the side sometimes with no guard rail.
Hundreds of motor cyclists, some on the wrong side of the road coming around bends. Great scenery though. We'll pass on that one too.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Thursday 28th of December 2017 11:07:36 AM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
But I wouldn't tow my van from Omeo to Corryong via Benambra,as has been said lots of dead trees because of the big bush fires.Also the road can be a bit rough at times,depending on maintenance.Have seen small vans doing it,great view at Sassafrass Gap and some good campsites on the Gibbo River and the bridge at Nariel
Thanks guys, the Omeo - Benambra - Corryong rd was what I were really interested in, been a loooong time between drinks on that. Didn't know that the Mitta road was fully sealed though last time up that way we went over the knocker rather than drive the bit to Anglers rest, we were going to Wills and sunnyside and it was dirt from there. ( been photographing and documenting old gold mines and machinery for bout 40 years ) will be leaving about mid april so like you say DD the scenery will be great any which way.
If I knew the capabilities of the other couple traveling with us I would sneek over via Dargo.
ooroo bass
The machinery at the Maude and Yellow Girl Mine at Glen Wills,has been restored.I don't know what days they run it.Stop at the Big River Camp,unhook and have a look.
We were up Corryong way a few weeks ago for 5 weeks, lovely country. Some great free camps.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Thursday 28th of December 2017 06:09:57 AM
We stayed at Indi Bridge which was just one of a host of lovely spots. Waking up to beautiful scenery & also a sky at night with no city lights while the camp fire ticks along are sights to behold.
Hi all, I think I will close this now. Just a quick reminder to everyone that although we encourage members to offer differing points of view on any topic, we do not allow personal attacks. Please keep posts focused on the topic at hand, not at the person who posted it. Thanks for your undertanding.