Yep try to park off bitumen or in corner where long trucks cannot park . Strange Iâve been told not to park so close !! By another nomad . I dont run geni or AC at night .. ., Sheesh !!
Great video. Unfortunately in some cases some caravanners do not know what common sense is even if it hit them in the face and they only think of themselves.
Travelling around Australia I have nothing but praise for the truckies. By talking on the radio one can let them know when you are going to pull off to let them pass. When you do you get a thanks from them. Let's all work together.
^^ With you there ^^ Some caravaners im sure just think the CB is there for an arial !!
Never use the thing !! Or on the other hand chat on ch 40 . Instead of moving off to seperate Chanel .
I try to stay out of, Truck only, rest areas, but sometimes it is unavoidable when travelling long distances
I try to stay out of the main area, or at least right over to one side/end, and certainly never in the middle
I am amazed when passing truck only rest areas, to see caravans/motorhomes, parked willy nilly
Someone wrote in the comment section
Quote Perhaps some of the caravan manufacturers and caravan selling business could play this video in the customer waiting room for viewing, in those times you are just waiting for a final to be done on your van would be a great idea...just a thought is all Unquote
I think that if I had made the video I would casually mention, that "Trucks Only", meant truck only were to park there I would also casually mention, that if you receive damage in an area you were not suppose to be, then some unscrupulous insurers may not accept your claim
John, the only way you are getting your information is via video's.
I have been involved with trucks all of my life. All of my brothers' and sometimes myself have been carting cattle in triple road trains and b doubles for the last 50 years up and down this country and yes, I watched the video.
My brother was asleep in a Truck only parking area one night and these two vans come in with their lights on full beam and whilst they got out and were debating where to find a 'good spot' my brother (Dean) jumped out with his baseball bat and knocked their lights out. They Police were called out from Three ways NT and this certain Copper had common sense and told the old farts to get their lights fixed in the morning at Tennant Creek and nothing else would be taken further.
-- Edited by adreamer on Wednesday 27th of December 2017 09:35:08 PM
Actually no ... but before I provide a critique, or opinion, on something I tend to read through and understand the content and message that is being conveyed.
As was stated by another poster just bit earlier ...................
Aus-Kiwi wrote:
Keep in mind !! In this video it was shared parking .
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Actually no ... but before I provide a critique, or opinion, on something I tend to read through and understand the content and message that is being conveyed.
As was stated by another poster just bit earlier ...................
Aus-Kiwi wrote:
Keep in mind !! In this video it was shared parking .
Cheers - John
No it wasn't. What did Ron say in the very beginning? He was being polite.
Just do a bit more research, because you always have an opinion on everything you read or a video.
Go to a truck stop and ask them!! See what reaction you get.
John, the only way you are getting your information is via video's.
I have been involved with trucks all of my life. All of my brothers' and sometimes myself have been carting cattle in triple road trains and b doubles for the last 50 years up and down this country and yes, I watched the video.
My brother was asleep in a Truck only parking area one night and these two vans come in with their lights on full beam and whilst they got out and were debating where to find a 'good spot' my brother (Dean) jumped out with his baseball bat and knocked their lights out. They Police were called out from Three ways NT and this certain Copper had common sense and told the old farts to get their lights fixed in the morning at Tennant Creek and nothing else would be taken further.
OH ... whilst I am not a teacher and you have also assumed not a trucker ... why would you possibly feel that only you have been involved with trucks all your life and therefore are the expert on things 'truckie'.
If you did watch the video then you would have noticed the clear message was about caravans and trucks sharing the rest areas where both are allowed to rest.
Fer goodness sake it is a little presumptuous to assume others have no understanding of the lives of truck drivers and the regulations and restrictions they are forced to operate under.
I find your anecdote somewhat confronting and perhaps it gives further credence to the ill-feeling that some members of the caravaning fraternity and trucking fraternity unfortunately perpetuate.
[EDIT: again, referring to the article and the video ... it was about co-operation and acceptance of each others needs and attempting to ensure that all parties understood and accepted that when utilising rest areas, of any type, one needs to be considerate of other users. No loud debating, high beam or headlight smashing there.]
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Wednesday 27th of December 2017 10:03:06 PM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Whiteline Television worked with road transport safety advocate and veteran driver Rod Hannifey to produce a video explaining to caravaners how to âshareâ truck parking bays.
Whiteline Television worked with road transport safety advocate and veteran driver Rod Hannifey to produce a video explaining to caravaners how to âshareâ truck parking bays.
This is like telling people to not drink and drive.
The end of input as I think some people as just lacking in common sense department!
John, the only way you are getting your information is via video's.
I have been involved with trucks all of my life. All of my brothers' and sometimes myself have been carting cattle in triple road trains and b doubles for the last 50 years up and down this country and yes, I watched the video.
My brother was asleep in a Truck only parking area one night and these two vans come in with their lights on full beam and whilst they got out and were debating where to find a 'good spot' my brother (Dean) jumped out with his baseball bat and knocked their lights out. They Police were called out from Three ways NT and this certain Copper had common sense and told the old farts to get their lights fixed in the morning at Tennant Creek and nothing else would be taken further.
-- Edited by adreamer on Wednesday 27th of December 2017 09:35:08 PM
Crikey, you have made silly statements in regard to a video presentation on shared parking, and then gone on the attack to defend those silly statements. Polite posts to alert you get more dribble about Truck only parking.
That video is not about truck only parking. Get over it.
THANKS everyone for your comments, disagreements, solutions?, and disrespect for each other. The point at the end of the day was to highlight an important issue that no matter where the truck has to park for their "mandatory" break they can't due to a lack of forethought by 1. owners of service centres 2. councils /govt. building roads 3. policing (council or police). It has definitely highlighted the issue truckies face daily and it has also highlighted the issues caravaners face daily. Caravaners are presumed to park in the car bays in most service centres but many don't like to reverse is one that was also highlighted. How does the problem/issue get solved? Maybe instead of insulting each other highlight it with your respective associations, councils, members of parliament, whoever you choose. Stop taking it out on each other it's not showing the due respect to either side of the argument. Yes Caravaners are on holidays, and chances are the truckie has just driven thru the night and dog tired, you will always get more with a spoonful of sugar than you do with a shovel full of ****. Would be nice to think that some of these comments on this post will reach the right ears and eyes. I doubt it as it all comes down to money. Respect people is key so on that note I'll step down from my soapbox, have a great whats left of 2017, and most of all TRAVEL SAFE.
THANKS everyone for your comments, disagreements, solutions?, and disrespect for each other. The point at the end of the day was to highlight an important issue that no matter where the truck has to park for their "mandatory" break they can't due to a lack of forethought by 1. owners of service centres 2. councils /govt. building roads 3. policing (council or police). It has definitely highlighted the issue truckies face daily and it has also highlighted the issues caravaners face daily. Caravaners are presumed to park in the car bays in most service centres but many don't like to reverse is one that was also highlighted. How does the problem/issue get solved? Maybe instead of insulting each other highlight it with your respective associations, councils, members of parliament, whoever you choose. Stop taking it out on each other it's not showing the due respect to either side of the argument. Yes Caravaners are on holidays, and chances are the truckie has just driven thru the night and dog tired, you will always get more with a spoonful of sugar than you do with a shovel full of ****. Would be nice to think that some of these comments on this post will reach the right ears and eyes. I doubt it as it all comes down to money. Respect people is key so on that note I'll step down from my soapbox, have a great whats left of 2017, and most of all TRAVEL SAFE.
Well said Aus-Kiwi
Kevin Kyle
On the road full time with Son and 21 year old cat and 3 year old Manx.
Toyota Landcruiser 100 series V8. Nextgen semi off-roader. 3 120 AH agm batteries, 1KW Solar
I'm increasingly amazed and equally tired of the insult trading that goes on among so-called adults in here. I agree with Aus-Kiwi - If your point, no matter how valid or otherwise, can't be expressed with respect then DON'T say it. None of us wants to sound pompous, but many threads that start with innocent and helpful intent end up creating WW3, and in the worst cases get closed down. The most effective way to handle overt sarcasm or a direct insult is to ignore it. Don't feed the troll as the saying goes.....
-- Edited by SouthernComfort on Thursday 28th of December 2017 01:41:50 PM
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
While in theory the video and its contained instructions mean well, in real life it will never happen.
Ignorance from van / rec vehicle operators is the largest problem that truckies face on a day to day or more acurately a
"night to night" basis.
Most operators of vans and rec vehicles will never see that video and and unfortunately a large portion of those people actually believe that they have a right to park how they want and when they want in shared and worse still, truck only bays.
In most cases the people that insist they frequent these parking bays at night are really just too cheap, mean and selfish to stay in town in a showground or dare I even mention it, a caravan park.
The ones that plan their trips and wish to save a dolaar or two usually manage to camp at a free or low cost camping areas away from highways and truck routes.
It's unfortunate that the others lack of planning displayed under the guise of "Oh I am so tired, heres a truck stop, I will just sleep here"
is more about "penny pinching" than genuinely needing to stop overnight in an area frequented by trucks.
A rest area that trucks use on a regular basis is generally not the most pleasant place to do an overnite stop in an RV / van.
The original post will always incite division when each individual member has an option to air his or her view.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
Dickodownunder (Geoff) ... your comments unfortunately ring of the truth in so many ways.
However, if everyone that views that video/article then 'shares' the content to all their friends that also travel ... and all of those friends then 'share' it to their travelling friends ultimately the message will begin to filter through.
I agree that if only those on this forum have viewed the article/video and its message and then just move on without imparting the sentiment and good advice then the whole point of anything worthwhile is wasted.
Unless people are 'educated' in the ramifications of their actions there will be no change.
Having said that all the 'education' on domestic violence has changed society too.
......... but SOMEONE has to begin spreading the information.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan