The problem with ''free camps'' is that their title contains the word FREE.
This one should be called a ''travellers rest'' or ''rest area'' & some people might not have got so upset about it.
We camped at Kinka Beach south of Yeppoon for 8 weeks this past Winter. We did a day trip into the Rockhampton metropolis once , that was enough for us.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
There trying to make out freecamping is a crime and there being good citizens, greedy pigs trying to line there own pockets would be more like it eh,what do they expect people with modern Rvs to not use there 12 volt set ups and live in caravan parks what a joke,there's too many rigs on the road if we were all forced into caravan parks there would not be enough of them ,I guess most of us would have to stay at home while park fees went through the roof...
The problem with ''free camps'' is that their title contains the word FREE.
This one should be called a ''travellers rest'' or ''rest area'' & some people might not have got so upset about it.
We camped at Kinka Beach south of Yeppoon for 8 weeks this past Winter. We did a day trip into the Rockhampton metropolis once , that was enough for us.
I agree. It has been something that has aggravated me for decades - ever since the misnomer of 'grey NOMAD' came into common language usage.
nomad n. 1. A member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land. 2. A person with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer.
rest area n. A designated area, usually along a major highway, where motorists can take a break from driving. Also called rest stop.
camp n. a. A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads, or travellers. b. A cabin or shelter or group of such buildings.
The majority of travellers across our wide, brown, inviting and exciting land are definitely NOT nomads ... they are simply TRAVELLERS. Their sojourns are merely the temporary relief from their fixed residences, and lifestyle, for a period of some weeks/months.
To suggest that travellers, whether actual nomads or not, "camp" at rest stops where councils have allowed overnight stops, or for a limited timeframe, is a stretch.
Your suggestion that these areas, particularly within the boundaries of a town or city, should be named 'traveller's rest' is exactly what they are. They are NOT camping areas. To also attach the word 'free' as a prefix further hides the true costs of the provision of these 'traveller's rests'. There is no such thing as a free lunch ... SOMEONE has to pay.
If one takes note of the areas that attract the angst of local residents, businesses (eg van parks) and in some cases councils, one will notice they are usually the ones that are actually only 'rest areas' within the boundaries of that town/city - or just a piece of vacant council owned land, sometimes with basic facilities. Rest areas away from towns/cities, but close to and along highways, rarely attract such vitriol.
These areas within the boundaries of towns/cities also become obvious targets because they are usually so well frequented - many caravans/motorhomes cluttering a rest area stick out like the proverbials.
I am aware my, and praps your, thoughts on this subject will not fit with most on here ... however, if I want/need to take a day or two to stock up on food or supplies or perhaps visit the local tourist attractions within the confines of a city/town then I lob into a van park, pay for a couple of nights and enjoy all the amenities that are on offer. I think of it as spoiling myself after weeks of actual camping at CAMPING spots away from towns/cities - many no or low cost.
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Thursday 21st of December 2017 10:03:34 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
In my opinion there are 2 types of RV travellers, those that use Caravan Parks and those that don't. For those that don't, closing free camps, rest areas or whatever you want to call them will not force the "those that don't" to use the services of caravan parks. If anything it will drive business away from the town which affects more businesses other than caravan parks.
Prior to Kershaw Gardens opening we would just drive through Rocky. But since it's opening we've made it a point to stop, shop and get repairs done. This year we only stopped at Kershaw for one night but spent over $1500. I'm easy, I could spend here or somewhere else, however, I prefer to spend in places where I feel welcome.
I'm thinking of writing or emailing all of the businesses that we've been to in Rocky and advising them that they could loose my future business and suggest they ban together to oppose the forced closure instigated by the caravan parks. The caravan parks need to get it through their thick heads that they are not the only business in town and that no business can force people to use their services.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Further to our previous post, whoever invented the name ''free camping'' needs to be shot!
Some other people look at the users of these ''free camps'' as ''freeloaders'' unwilling to spend a quid.
They also look at all the shiny expensive tugs, caravans & motor homes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars parked in these ''free camps'' & see the irony of it all.
That's why we need to get away from the word ''FREE''.
Personally we use the term ''independent camping'' it sounds much better.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Don't be surprised if the Kershaw Gardens site disappears during the final stages of the gardens refurb. It's currently located at the last remaining car park available to the gardens and new car parks are being constructed to replace existing ones. Any legal claims are probably anticipating this change.
After reading read the headlines, the caravan park association have a hide, as this could come back and bit them in the A#$e. I reckon that you would be lucky to fit 10 / 12 caravans at the most in this very handy park. If full that would equate to about less than 2 bookings a night for the C.Parks. Now if banned or closed by the council, the 10 / 12 vannies would move on and Rockies business would be the loser, because of the selfish C.Park owners. You know what!!!! the winners out of this will be the bloody Lawyers. They will make heaps$$$$$$. MAY I SUGGEST THAT EVERY FREEDOM CAMPER SEND AN EMIAL To the Mayor / Rocky Council in support of Freedom Camping.
Mayor Margaret Strelow email Work Phone: 07 4936 8275
CQPAOL would do well to remember the name UBER that has upset the Taxi Industry here & in many other countries, this same formula could be applied to their Industry too?, as it is being applied to many others.
Every Business operator is entitled to a fair profit , but why have so Many BIG Companies descended on buying up Caravan Parks all over the Coastline of our country in recent years. I read recently where one Corporate Group had just paid $14 Million for a Caravan Park in Darwin. It is a proven fact that towns who do welcome travellers with free stopovers, many businesses in the town benefit from their spending not just a Caravan Park .I do feel sorry for the smaller Owner Operators, however we all need to adapt to the times or disappear.
I remind the Caravan Park Owners to just Remember that word, "UBER"
Reading a third article a caravan park operator from Yeppoon, mentions some travellers took advantage of these free camping spots as a dumping ground for their rubbish and sewage stores and used Kershaw Gardens in Rockhampton as an example.
We camped at Kinka Beach south of Yeppoon for 8 weeks this past Winter. We did a day trip into the Rockhampton metropolis once , that was enough for us.
Wow DD, you must have found a super secret place to camp in Kinka Beach. I lived there for two years up to the end of 2014 and can't think of anywhere you could camp for that length of time, unless it was on a mate's property. When I was volunteering at the Yeppoon Visitor Information Centre I got the distinct impression that Capricorn Enterprises, which runs the VICs in Rocky and Yeppoon, was against free/freedom/independent camping as a lot of the CPs were contributors to its budget.
Cheers Joe
Hino Rainbow motorhome conversion towing a Daihatsu Terios
We camped at Kinka Beach south of Yeppoon for 8 weeks this past Winter. We did a day trip into the Rockhampton metropolis once , that was enough for us.
Wow DD, you must have found a super secret place to camp in Kinka Beach. I lived there for two years up to the end of 2014 and can't think of anywhere you could camp for that length of time, unless it was on a mate's property. When I was volunteering at the Yeppoon Visitor Information Centre I got the distinct impression that Capricorn Enterprises, which runs the VICs in Rocky and Yeppoon, was against free/freedom/independent camping as a lot of the CPs were contributors to its budget.
Cheers Joe
We didn't say we were FREE CAMPED at Kinka Beach for 8 weeks did we. We were in Coolwaters Holiday Village at The Causeway Lake.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Further to our previous post, whoever invented the name ''free camping'' needs to be shot!
Some other people look at the users of these ''free camps'' as ''freeloaders'' unwilling to spend a quid.
They also look at all the shiny expensive tugs, caravans & motor homes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars parked in these ''free camps'' & see the irony of it all.
That's why we need to get away from the word ''FREE''.
Personally we use the term ''independent camping'' it sounds much better.
I have always used the term "low cost camping". Nothing is ever free in this world.
There is plenty of room for both caravan parks who offer good service and low cost camping areas provided by councils or others.
I do believe there should be a limit on the number of nights you are allowed to stay at a low cost facility.
We found a great spot to camp free at Kingston right on the water arrived in the afternoon and was surprised that there was heaps of room, we went for a walk and spoke to the local shopkeepers and they said the reason there's room for people to enjoy the camp was that it's policed every morning,and sure enough there was a guy there in the morning with a clipboard probably checking number plates,if there's plenty of room at campsites stay a small long as you like,if there's beautiful little spots like Kingston why let the greedy few hog it,good onya Kingston...
We stayed one night in March this year at Kingston SE ''free camp'' before traveling along the Coorong towards Meningie.
There were plenty of people there walking around bragging that they'd stayed 3 nights or more.
They were the bored, intoxicated ones wandering aimlessly around with a stupid grin on their face & a wine glass or beer can in their hand dying to tell other people their whole life story to.
Kingston SE is a great travelers rest, hopefully it doesn't get spoiled by ''brainless twits'' over staying.
Is it any wonder that we ''bush camp'' in more remote locations, the wildlife is more interesting & probably far more intelligent.
Apologies for getting slightly OT.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.