Before any knickers get twisted and fingers begin flying all over the keyboard castigating me for heresy, the point is simply to read the article, absorb the information, consider the data provided and be informed and aware of the limitations of STANDARD vehicles offered for sale in this country - with bright, glossy brochures handed out by broad-smiling, firm hand-shaking sales persons who usually know very little about the actual abilities - and limitations - of the vehicle.
OK ... now let's jest have a bit of a read. Yes it's a bit of a long read and I guess not all of it will be completely applicable (or new) to all who take the time to read it ... but it contains lots of information for those who have a vehicle that needs (or may need) a bit of an 'upgrade' to do the job expected of it (probably most of em these days) -
All these ''weight problems'' could be alleviated if people bought reasonable sized caravans & didn't try to bring ''everything but the kitchen sink'' with them on their travels.
How much room do two little retired ''wrinklies'' need anyway, even if they're on the road permanently?
It also has a lot to do with ''one up man ship'' & trying to impress others. Traveling through Europe & the UK you never see ''monoliths'' like we have in Australia & they wouldn't have clue what a WDH is.
Interesting link though.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
All these ''weight problems'' could be alleviated if people bought reasonable sized caravans & didn't try to bring ''everything but the kitchen sink'' with them on their travels. ~~~SNIP
Interesting link though.
The "weight problems" being discussed/explained in the article are to do with how the payload of so many vehicles - particularly 4x4s - is so quickly consumed.
It doesn't take much to erode its carrying capacity and become illegal - and unsafe.
I guess if there were not the perceived "need" for such big vans - eg 3,000Kg+ - then there would be less need for BIG 4x4s.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
We, (Mr. & Mrs. Nomads), in Australia, seem to do everything bigger and better than the other Grey Nomad Joneses next door...especially when it comes to RV's. IMO.
Cheers, Richard (Dick0)
"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"
"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".