A huge thanks to all you lovely People, a good place to find these models, can be in some local second-hand shops, such as the Salvo's good Sammies etc.
Keep your eyes skinned, they're out there, but not easy to find the real good models, like those made by Franklyn Mint.
Cheers K.J.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Great Collection. Mr D wants to know what the third one is please.
Mr D was recently presented with a 1:16 uncompleted model of a 1914 Dennis fire engine. Makes a change from match stick models.... Was started about 40 years ago by our house host for/with his son. Son not interested, daughter attempted some with mistakes, but not irreparable. Then given to Brother In Law, who recently passed it on to Mr D.
Mr D feels that at some time the box contained all the bits may well have been run over by a fire engine, but is doing his best to restore, then will donate back to Bright United Mens Shed (BUMS). Photos to follow.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
Great Collection. Mr D wants to know what the third one is please.
Mr D was recently presented with a 1:16 uncompleted model of a 1914 Dennis fire engine. Makes a change from match stick models.... Was started about 40 years ago by our house host for/with his son. Son not interested, daughter attempted some with mistakes, but not irreparable. Then given to Brother In Law, who recently passed it on to Mr D.
Mr D feels that at some time the box contained all the bits may well have been run over by a fire engine, but is doing his best to restore, then will donate back to Bright United Mens Shed (BUMS). Photos to follow.
Hi there Dunmowin, Sorry about the delay in replying, we've been away playing out in the back of beyond in our caravan, no T.V..... no Phone,........ No radio,....... No internet !!!
The fire truck you asked about is a 1928 Studebaker
It;s in 1/64 scale size, and it cost me a bundle bidding for it on E bay.
Cheers K.J.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day