What if your genuinely fatigued your starting to feel drousey it that situation you should and I think it is lawfull to pull over and rest for the night,providing it is in a safe area,before you kill yourself and others...
I have a friend who is a grey nomad who has a health problem , So he dosen't get fatigued he full up in a rest stop and has an afternoon nap so he not fatigued at the end of the day , And never enter a built up area late afternoon .
Hi every one. We are only new to this site. But have travelled around this country for a long time before being retired now full time. As I understand it from my time in Qld Transport, all travellers are encouraged to rest if tired while travelling. Which is why some Road Travellers Information sites suggest having a sign maybe A4 sise marked clearly " Resting Not Camping"Place this on the windscreen then sleep in the Van do not un-hook, do not pull out awning, your resting not camping, and from what I understand providing your not in a dangeros situation, and only parked for no longer then 12 hours, you are not breaking any law. You are told to pull over and Rest if tired
Dck what was your job at Queensland Transport, And does this apply when the sign say no camping or is this at rest stops , If what you say is correct what bylaw cover the A4 sign on the window .
Hi brickes the Road Safety Advisory Authority saying "Pull Over and Rest when Tired", is advice not law. The same as the advice of the "Resting Not Camping"sign this sign does Not give you the right to stop where signs say otherwise. as for the No Camping sign your not camping your resting. Unfourtunatly many people abuse this by staying for a few days still claiming there only resting. I could pull my rig up out side your place. And providing there are no signs satating otherwise Park on the side of road put my sign in the windscreen and get some shut eye. I'm resting not camping. At the moment I haven't heard of a court case where a Resting Not Camping has been convited.
As with every thing we do Common Sense is the rule. dahh Why did you Park in the middle of the Highway
I did a bit with QT in Head Office Brissie then transferred to B T for a while, doing driver training, and any thing to do with public transport, nothing too exciting
I guess the law is there to move undusirables along ? Never had any issues . Dumping rubbish , leaving toilet paper etc . Not that any of us are LIKE that !!
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Thursday 14th of December 2017 09:59:44 PM
Hi brickes the Road Safety Advisory Authority saying "Pull Over and Rest when Tired", is advice not law. The same as the advice of the "Resting Not Camping"sign this sign does Not give you the right to stop where signs say otherwise. as for the No Camping sign your not camping your resting. Unfourtunatly many people abuse this by staying for a few days still claiming there only resting. I could pull my rig up out side your place. And providing there are no signs satating otherwise Park on the side of road put my sign in the windscreen and get some shut eye. I'm resting not camping. At the moment I haven't heard of a court case where a Resting Not Camping has been convited.
As with every thing we do Common Sense is the rule. dahh Why did you Park in the middle of the Highway
I did a bit with QT in Head Office Brissie then transferred to B T for a while, doing driver training, and any thing to do with public transport, nothing too exciting
DKC, this does not apply to you.
Their are some people who post comments and their only qualifications are, they failed a "bush lawyers exam."
When tired you rest, not drive on and kill yourself or some one else. Rember to use common sense.
Hi all. As you may well know. Sometimes you arrive late and reception closed at all campsites you ring. We have just arrived at the entrance and this has happened. We do free camp now and again. But here there are signs everywhere. Where does the "LAW" stand with sleeping in your vehicle? Wishing you all a happy Christmas and New Year Troy and kim