Hi we wondered if anyone could help with a rego problem. We live in WA and we're starting our around Oz travels this week. First stop is Queensland to pick up a used van which will obviously be registered in Qld. All the family live in Qld so have used their address for purchase. Then it's off to Tassie for a couple of months.
Can we drive a WA registered vehicle with a Qld registered van? Is it possible to change reg online or do we need to take the van 'over the pits' in WA? We'll be returning to live in WA but maybe not for a few years.
Any info from your experiences would be most helpful thanks...
the problem with a veh registered in one state and van registered in another used to cause problems with insurance
I think it is now different but check with your insurance company as well
Do you still have to take out third party insurance on vans registered over in the west? Over here the third party cover is provided by the green slip or other third party insurance on the tug. A few years ago you had to take out separate 3rd party insurance on the trailer in a couple of states and WA was one of those. If WA has fallen into line with the other states then you will be OK towing an interstate registered van.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
There is no technical reason why someone can not have various vehicles registered in various States at the same time.
The "correct" State of registration is where the vehicle is "garaged", so that can be anywhere you wish and it has no relationship with your postal address.
When you get to the end of your trip and "garage" them, you will need to change the regos.
No problem at all, we had our small truck regoe'd in WA and proceeded to Melbourne to pick up our 5th wheeler which got registered in Vic.
I rang our insurer (Ken Tame CMCA) and told them and basically they have no issue so long as both are registered. We lived full time on the road so really didn't have a home state as such, when we sold the rig we just re did the 5'er in WA so the whole rig was then WA registered.
Got stopped several times over the years by the boys in blue and it was never an issue with them either. Only reason we did the new rego was it was so much easier to sell having the single state rego rather than have to notify Vic and WA, also Vic would have required a roadworthy and even though no problem with the rig would have been a real pain as we were back in WA byt then permanently.