Hi everyone.
I just read on Everything Caravning that there's been some ugly incidents. Be careful and this is a worry for us as I am travelling solo with my disabled son and dog's.
Hi everyone. I just read on Everything Caravning that there's been some ugly incidents. Be careful and this is a worry for us as I am travelling solo with my disabled son and dog's.
Hi Gingerbiscuit
I have been camping around for years and years. I believe in common sense and look over the place when I arrive and if it looks a bit odd I move on. Never had any problems. If camping on our own we usually point the camper van in the direction to leave easily. Never had to do it though ! Happy camping !
Hello gingerbiscuit, we have been travelling full time for quite awhile. when we arrive, we check the place out. If it seems unsavoury we move on. always like to stay where there r a few other travellers.
Hi, I have seen many threads on this forum and others about "alleged Incidents"
I say alleged because I have yet to see a first hand it happened to me report.
I have made several posts asking for people who have actually had a bad experience to tell us about it
All I have ever seen is gossip about alleged incidents that may or may not have taken place.
Sorry to spoil it Peter Rose, but I did witness an incident in a freecamp in SA last year. 1 of 2 blokes living together in a van had a fist fight with someone who made mention to them of their dog wandering around the camp barking. Police arrived eventually, but they made the wrong bloke move on. The incident clearly unsettled the other campers. I hope not to see it again anywhere.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
As a fully qualified Social Worker have to agree with you there. That's what I do for a living work in remote communities and homeless.
But then when you are travelling alone with a disabled son and dog's my first priority is them.
My dog's are good but not social they come from a rural background and we like our peace and quiet.
I am headed to live in the Territory that's where I am needed.
I have free camped, mostly on the Murray river for over 50 yrs. The only experience I can speak of involved my Son, who had his camp visited by thieves while he was away from camps. They stole the kids bikes, toys, books, fishing rods, tackle & some food. For good measure they slashed their tents. We are living in changing times.