I would have thought it would be a smart idea to speak to the makers. Perhaps they could even provide you with the specifications of what you are buying. They may even be able to let you know of any options you may wish to have added to your purchase.
Actually Ray, the website does mention that you are getting a 63 litre water tank.
Grey water tanks are still relatively new in the world of vans, and as such in most manufacturers lists they are still optional. It is changing but slowly.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
Yes, I am aware of the fresh water tank, but I think it is becoming obvious there is no grey water tank. Many thanks for your replies and your patience.
I assume there would be some connection for a sink water hose.
Did you order one? If not then the answer is, you will not get one.
You're Correct Peter D.
Land Sailor. They don't have them fitted. I have seen aftermarket tank and also DIY types fitted, usually only 15-20 litres capacity.
I just use a designated Green or Black Jerry Can. Clearly marked "GREY WATER" Lives on the rear Bumper and is used as required. Likewise as required, emptied when an appropriate Drain or Dumpsite available.
-- Edited by elliemike on Tuesday 28th of November 2017 05:41:19 PM
there will?? or at least should be a pipe that runs from the sink, through the cupboard, and have a short exit hose/connection outside the van, generally under the sink area.
You can then place a bucket or other receptacle under that short hose to collect, or it may have a fixed connection to attach a sullage hose to direct the waste water to a drain.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done