Unfortunately, I personally don't reckon they will ever relax that restriction.
Not as long as the locals continue to utilise the amenity of Greens Lake for their camping, boating and other water activities weekend after weekend ... and continue to show their disrespect in keeping the place clean, and behaving themselves etc.
Far too often, it is only the efforts, and respect, of those GNs who appreciate the generosity of the Goulburn-Murray Water and do a lot of toilet cleaning and cleaning up of rubbish.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
For legality, for a "Private" to maintain that status it must be closed to the public for at least one day of the year. In South Australia the roads throughout the RAAF Base which are used daily by commuters from the neighbouring suburbs are all closed for one day of the year. I suspect the same reasoning at Greens.
For legality, for a "Private road" to maintain that status it must be closed to the public for at least one day of the year. In South Australia the roads throughout the RAAF Base which are used daily by commuters from the neighbouring suburbs are all closed for one day of the year. I suspect the same reasoning at Greens.
Cheers Allen
You are definitely right when it comes to "private roads" - ie where public access is allowed across private land or use of a road on private land - but in the case of Greens lake the closure is because of one New Year's Eve a couple years ago.
Extremely well attended, almost overcrowded and there were hundreds (well, many ) younguns getting stuck into the turps and having a 'good' time.
But like the old saying ... everyone was having fun until someone had an eye taken out.
Degenerated into a brawl ... which spread and impacted on innocent bystanders .... I think (but not sure) there was the discharge of a firearm ... and someone got wounded.
Add to that the unbelievable amount of rubbish left behind by these revellers and the GMW, Shire, CFA and police all decided it was not worth it anymore.
So, as with all things in life, because of a minority of irresponsible (irrepressible?) revellers the majority suffer and the lake is closed prior to New Year for a day or two.