hi to all we will be on the road for two years in feb 2018 we are currently renting our house to family and living in the van out the front yard and getting a good feel for living in the van full time .just a quick question can you take out your breakaway key for add security when you park up on the road i know its easy to get around the key but it would slow down a would be thief and would it do any damage taking it out all the time .i would also have a wheel lock and tow hitch lock on as well what are your thoughts cheers griffo.
-- Edited by griffo and kezz on Wednesday 15th of November 2017 08:38:47 AM
Re (Don't do it as the breakaway battery will become flat very quickly - as the electric brakes and brake lights will be activated.)
Agree, If you removed it to provide additional security, But if someone else takes it out, as a prank or because they need it more than you, to prevent this, padlock the loop at the end of the break away cable onto your tow hitch lock.( of course leave the pin in situ in the break away switch) Your battery will still go flat but at least you will still have the cable/pin.
-- Edited by PeterInSa on Wednesday 15th of November 2017 09:36:12 AM
-- Edited by PeterInSa on Wednesday 15th of November 2017 09:36:53 AM
If somebody WANTS to steal your van.
He will.
Trailer. winch. It's gone. Regardless of what you have securing it.
A Battery powered grinder fixes locks and chains.
The wheels are the weak point. easy to drag up a Trlr ramp,
and with a bit of oil on road in front of them. Easy and SILENT.
Make a token act for security. Have the door LOCKED.
""INSURANCE..."". Is the only word you need.
If van locked when stolen. It's NORMALLY covered.
(Depending on WHERE you leave it, maybe..)
Lots of people, Have tried lots of things\ways. to secure their vans.
And after 50 odd yrs.
I just keep my RACQ insurance up to date.
If you have any REALLY valuable stuff.
DON'T be dumb enough to drag it round with you.
Security box in bank. I've had one for 45 yrs. Same Box. Same bank branch too.
only pay 1\2 price since 40 yr point.
I brought some NICE Diamond\Rubies from Sth Africa\Tanz,
Shipped, prior to leaving..
Had some cut in Japan for first wife 25th earrings.
BUT. Insurance is the only way to go. FULL.
The breakaway battery is designed to last around 15 to 30 minutes.
BTW - just remember to press the Check button to ensure it is being charged when connected to the vehicle - as sometimes they are not wired to any sort of charger!
A diesel Nissan Pathfinder towing a Coromal Element 542.